Ramos Horta and Reinado had amnesty deal

Ramos Horta and Reinado had amnesty deal
The AgeLindsay MurdochFebruary 16, 2008
Jose Ramos Horta and Alfredo Reinado, a month before the attack on the President.
Photo: Glenn CampbellTHIS is the moment (right) when Jose Ramos Horta thought he had secured a peaceful future for East Timor. Standing on the steps of the ruins of an old Portuguese fort in East Timor's rugged mountains, the country's President smiles and shakes hands with rebel leader Alfredo Reinado on a secret deal that would see Reinado pardoned for murder and armed rebellion in an amnesty on May 20, the anniversary of East Timor gaining independence. The two men then sat down for a feast of goat, lamb and chicken, served with fine wines. They departed in high spirits."I'm off to a cockfight," Reinado said with a grin as he drove away.
Four weeks later Reinado, a cult hero figure to many young Timorese, is dead and Mr Ramos Horta is fighting for his life in Royal Darwin Hospital, suffering from gunshot wounds. Exclusive photographs of the men's meeting, obtained by The Age, show that Mr Ramos Horta went unarmed and unescorted to the fort.
Reinado, then East Timor's most wanted man, had secured it, his heavily armed men standing guard at strategic locations along the fort's crumbling walls.The deal they struck included Reinado being put under house arrest, guarded by New Zealand troops as he faced court before the pardon that would also include his men.
But in the weeks after the meeting Reinado, who had been on the run for 17 months after leading a mass jail escape, became deeply paranoid and delusional and feared he was losing his authority.


Fourth operation for Ramos-Horta

The Royal Darwin Hospital where East Timor's President Jose Ramos-Horta remains …AP via Yahoo! News - Feb 11 11:52 PM
February 15, 2008 06:44pm
EAST Timor President Jose Ramos-Horta was today operated on in Darwin for the fourth time since being shot twice by rebels in Dili on Monday.
The surgery came on the same day Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made a lightning visit to Dili to reaffirm Australia's commitment to democracy in East Timor, then visited the wounded president in Darwin.
Royal Darwin Hospital (RDH) general manager Len Notaras said the president remained in a serious but stable condition after undergoing a fourth surgery today.
"He is still heavily sedated to allow him to rest and recover," he said.
It is not known how long Dr Ramos-Horta will remain in an induced come but doctors have said it will probably be at least a few more days.
The president was shot twice when rebels attacked him outside his home in Dili on Monday.
He was airlifted to Royal Darwin Hospital (RDH) on Monday where he underwent surgery.
Earlier this week, his surgeon, Professor Phil Carson said the president would be left with significant scars but no functional problems and that several more operations were planned.
Mr Rudd said after his visit that he was confident his old friend would pull through.
"He is a fighter, I know the old Jose .... he has got a bit of a fight ahead of him still," Mr Rudd said.


Reinado's last call to wife

By Paige Taylor
February 15, 2008 01:00am

THE day before rebel leader Alfredo Reinado was killed in a gun battle at the home of East Timor's President, he phoned his wife in Perth and made her promise she would always look after herself and their four children.
Maria Reinado yesterday told of her grief at the loss of her husband, a former Perth shipyard worker who once swore she would never become a young widow. "It is hard for me to help (our children) to understand that he is gone," she said.

"They tell me that dad is still alive and not to believe the TV. I encourage the kids to cry out loud, and remind them of the daily horrible nightmare - to hide reality would be foolish."

Ms Reinado, 30, was not at her husband's funeral in East Timor yesterday. Friends believe it is too dangerous for her to return even briefly to the country where her husband has been a central figure in violence and political unrest.

But Ms Reinado's pleas for permanent protection in Australia have been rejected and she and her children will be forced back to East Timor unless Immigration Minister Chris Evans intervenes.

Neither Ms Reinado nor her advocates would discuss her case, but former Jesuit Refugee Service director Frank Brennan said Senator Evans would be unwise to force the widow or her children to live in East Timor.

"We should not force anyone to return there at this time, especially if they are related to persons identified with the causes of the emergency and instability," he said.

The Reinado family was living in Dili in May 2006, and Ms Reinado was pregnant with the couple's fourth child, Felicity, when Reinado abandoned his military barracks and joined hundreds of armed rebels in the hills.

He never met his youngest child; as mob violence escalated in the capital, Ms Reinado fled to their former home town of Perth with their children, Billy, Donovan and Tiffany.

"The children spoke to Alfredo almost every night, they had a close relationship," Ms Reinado said in the statement released through the West Australian Uniting Church's justice and mission consultant, Rosemary Hudson Miller.

"Alfredo encouraged me to be strong for the kids. Sometimes I would cry alone at night so the children wouldn't see me be weak."

Ms Reinado was introduced to her future husband by her brother "Afri" on her 15th birthday in 1992 and their romance began a month later. Their son Billy was a baby when they married on May 24, 1995 and their "honeymoon" was aboard a friend's fishing vessel Reinado captained to Darwin with 15 other asylum-seekers.

They lived in Melbourne, Perth and Darwin over the next four years, and their son Donovan was born in Australia.

"In our last conversation, he asked me to promise him that I would look after myself and our children," Ms Reinado said.

"He promised me once that I would never become a young widow and now he is gone. I will not break my promise to him."

Rebel Alfredo Reinado's widow Maria speaks of her grief
Paige Taylor, The Australian
February 15, 2008 10:00am
THE Perth-based widow of East Timor rebel Alfredo Reinado has released a statement after her husband was shot dead in the rebel assassination attempt on Jose Ramos-Horta.
Mrs Reinado made her statement through the Uniting Church of Western Australia's justice and mission consultant Rosemary Hudson Miller.
The Statement
Maria met alfredo through her brother " Afri" in East Timor in 1992 on her 15th Birthday. It was just a month later Alfredo finally worked up the courage to Ask Maria out through her brother. They dated for three years. Six month After Billy was born they were married on the 24 May when they set of to Australia.Maria laughs as she recalls Alfredo says "Honey this is the longest honeymoon anyone will ever have.Funny enough it turned out into a four years honeymoon. During these time Donovan was born their second son. Alfredo returned to East Timor on 1999. The children spoke to Alfredo almost every night they had a close relationship. Although he never had a chance to meet their younger daughter Felicity or spend much time with their other child Tiffany they still had a very close bond. He had a nick name for each of them. He called Felicity is " Little Kookaburra" after first sound she made, Tiffany was his " Little chatter box" Donovan the "Grumpy Face" and Billy "Lazy Boy". It wasn't easy being with out Alfredo, especially with four children. Sometimes I felt though enough is enough. It is because of the children I found the strength to get through the days. Alfredo encouraged me to be strong for the kids. Sometimes I would cry alone at night so the children wouldn't see me be weak. He always assured me and comfort me during these hard time, even though it was just over the phone I felt like he was beside me. Now who will I turn to for a winge I have lost my very best friend and companion in my life. It has affected us all so much. It was through a friends and the media that I found out my husband was gone. "The kids have not seen him for almost two years it is hard for me to help them to understand that he is gone. They still tell me that dad is still alive and not to believe the TV. I encourage the kids to cry out loud, and remind them of the daily horrible nightmare to hide reality would be foolish. Maria is surprise by the support of her Australian friends and family. It is not surprising Alfredo loved Australian people so much. Alfredo indeed a big Eagles fan. All I want now is for the media to leave me and my family alone so that I can start the journey of repairing the broken heart of my children. I am not in hiding I just want people to respect my privacy. In our last conversation he asked me to promise him that I would look after myself and our children. He also wanted me to remember he will always love me till he died and hold a special place in his heart. He promised to me once that I would never become a young widow and now he is gone. I will not break my promise to him.

Maria Reinado



Beleza Lagoa Bikontidi Hato Udo Sub Distric


PR halao tratamento iha Australia

Presidente Republica halao tratamento iha Australia tamba hetan tiru durante tiru teio ida akontese iha residensia PR Metiaut Segunda feira dader. PR hetan tiru iha nia kabun no liman sorin hateten PM Xanana Gusmao iha konferensia Imprenssa iha Palacio do Guverno segunda feira nee. Nudar Xanana Alfredo Reinado ho nia grupo mak asalto residensia PR. Alfredo Reinado rasik hamutuk ho nia eskolto ida mate kedas iha fatin akontesimento tiro teiro nee.
Iha visita ida ba Maliana hodi Inagura centro Saude foun Maliana Iha Sabado nee ema deskonesidu mos bloqeia estrada ba viagem Ramos Horta nian. FSI hola medidas hodi tula PR ho helikoptru mai Dili.
Radio Timor Leste nia noticia segunda feira nee fosai Primeiro Ministro Xanana Gusmao afirma katak, kanek nebe Presidente da Republika nebe hetan iha parte Liman sorin no kabun tamba tiru husi Alfredo Reinado Alves ho nia grupo. Casu ne’e akontese tuku Nen liu minutu Sanulu Resin Lima dadersan iha rezidencia Presidente nia iha Metiaut Dili wainhira Presidente nebe halo hela eserzicio dader fila ba nia recidencia tamba rona kilat tarutu, iha nebe Alfredo Reinado ho nia grupo nebe ba ho kareta Rua no kompleto ho armas halao ataqe iha presidente nia residencia.
Xanana Gusmao afirma katak, Presidente nebe halo ona operasun durante oras Rua nia laran oras ne’e nia kondisaun hahu estavel maibe sei iha amnestia geral tamba ne’e seidauk bele koalia. Presidente da Republika iha Tuku Tolu lorokraik ne’e, desloka ona ba Australia ho Aviao Militar FSI nia hodi kontinua nia tratamento. Xanana Gusmao konsidera, ataque nebe refere planeada tamba petisionarius sira halo ataque hasoru Primeiro Ministro encunato Grupo Alfredo Reinado halo ataque hasoru Presidente, iha loron nebe hanesan.

Noticia seluk RTL nebe relasiona mos katak Estado grave atentado :
Estado Timor Leste konsidera akontese nebe mosu hanesan grave atendato ba estado de Direito Demokratiku. Tamba asaun tiru nebé grupo armado halo laos hasoru indivudo maibe hasoru Presidente da Republika no Primeiro Ministro.Primeiro Ministro - Xanana Gusmão deklara questaun ne’e liu husi mensagem estado Segunda-feira ne’e. Xanana Gusmao hateten, ba oin estado sei la premite husi grupo oi-oin inklui grupo armado nebe tenta hamonu estado no estado mos sei hasai medidas atu redus sidadaun nia movimento tamba estado iha responsabilidade atu fo garantia siguransa ba povo tomak. Xanana Gusmao reforsa katak, governo sei koordena ho orgaun soberano seluk atu bele foti medida hasoru atentado ne’e. Ho akontesemnto ne’e Chefe governo husu ba populasaun atu tur hakmatek liu-liu iha tempo kalan, hodi cumpre ordem no atuasaun nebe parte siguransa halo. Xanana Gusmao sublinha katak, maske estado hetan ataque cobarde, estado sei continua kontrola situasaun. Tuir Xanana Gusmao, atu liberdade ho direitu bele ezerce ho diak estado iha loron hirak tuir mai sei esforsu atu resolve problema grupo armado nebe iha hodi husu nafatin kontribuasaun husi povo tomak.


Ema desconesidu tiru PR Ramos Horta

Ema desconesidu Segunda feira dader(06:15) asalta residensia Presidente da Republica no tiru kanek PR. laos nee deit tuir informasaun nebe PM fosai iha konferensia inprenssa (10.45) iha Palacio Guverno katak PM Xanana Gusmao rasik mos hetan ataka (07:15).


Araska liu pa

woiiiiiiii belun sira araska liu atu hakerek blog tamba internet konek ladun diak........




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