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Survei hatudu Manduku INTERFET laos husi Australia

Sondajen konjunta entre Guverno Timor Leste ho Guverno Australia identifika manduku nebe durante nee hanaran manduku INTERFET laos husi Australia, keta husi nasaun seluk karik maibe involve mos iha Interfet hehehehehehehehe. Survei ka sondajen iha Setembro 2009 nee fosai rezultadu katak manduku species Bufo Marinus (Can Toad) kaema bolu manduku Interfet la eziste iha Australia, entaun nia habitat nee husi nebe loos ?
Survei nemos hateten manduku ho tipu Black spined (Bufo Melanosticus) nee eziste deit iha Azia maibe la hetan iha Autralia. Nunee sa ita persiza peritu iha biolojia atu bele identifika lolos specie manduku nee molok dun ba ema seluk. Tebes duni tama ba ukun aan iha mudansa boot ba ita nia rain,liu-liu relaziona ho pestie no animal. Iha manduku balun nebe ita la hare hanesan bai-bain no halo ema diskonfia manduku Interfet mai husi australia tamba nia kulit koor ho modelo forsa Interfet nebe mai liberta ita, hehehehehe manduku nee mos mai liberta ita tamba samea nebe han mos mate ooooo nee ka. Ya husu ba ita atu peskiza didiak molok koalia. sorte be ular joanina nee ita la dun mana Joanina maka lori husi Jordania hehehehe beik sala hotu....maibe loos duni hafoin ita Independensia mosu buat foun relasiona ho natureza ita nian. Iha Baucau mosu ular joanina han mohu ho nu'u dikin no halo nu'u mate maibe oras nee rezolvidu. manduku interfet dehan halo ema mate, maibe tebes ka lae ? la klaru. Iha Atsabe mosu ular ida nebe halo aikakeu mate to'o maran, maske iha tempu udan, ema la hare kona ba nee. foin lalais nee hau desloka ba atsabe ai kakeu sira nee balun kontinua moris maibe sira nebe iha tinan kotuk mate maske laos bai loron oras nee sai ona ahikdesan tamba uza ba aisunu.
Intrega deit ba Guverno,nee ga... hahahoiiiiiii


Pontualidade Plenaria Parlamentar

Debate orsamentu geral estadu 2010 halao tiha ona iha loron 18 Novembro 2009. agenda Plenaria nebe lolos nee halao iha tuku 09.00 HTL nee adia fali ba tuku 15.20 ho razaun guverno sei prepara materia, maibe iha razaun seluk mos dehan deputadu sira balun sei halo hela fiskalizasaun iha distritu. razaun laos maka nee, razasaun maka informasaun nebe fosai husi Presidente Parlamentu Nasional Fernando "La sama" de Araujo. pessoal numero 02 iha rai nee nebe fosai ba media hotu iha TL tomak katak debate ba Orsamentu Jeral Estado sei halao iha horas 09:00HTL no sei transmite ba Teritorio TL tomak husi Servisu Publiku RTTL. Saida maka akontese Presidente PN maka bosok ten ka instituisaun publika RTTL maka bosok ten. oras lolos transmisaun iha dader adia maibe la iha avisu liu husi kanal Radio ho Televisaun atu povu hatene katak iha mudansa ba orario Plenaria debate OJE. Soberanu Povu haluha tiha ho hahalok korupsaun nebe povu nia representante sira iha uma fukun Parlamentu viola. korupsaun tempo nebe povu rasik rona no hare momos la presiza investigasaun tan.
makhalo lei sira rasik viola nafatin lei oin nusa maka povu sira bele kumpri lei. sim senhor imunidade laos atu viola tamba nee soberanu povu nian. Imajina tok se oras lolos ba debate loron ida izemplo hetan $1.00 maibe tamba deit koruptu tempo aumenta horas to'o kalan aumenta mos pagamentu sai ba $2.00 izemplo. Loron tolu nebe lolos nee gasta deit dollar tolu ($3.00) sae ba $5.00 tamba debate to kalan boot dala rua no loron sorin deit tamba horas debate adia ba tuku tolu lorokraik. izemplo debate nee $1.00 loron ida, halo ona korupsaun $2.00 ema ida oinsa ho representante povu iha Parlamentu 65 seidauk kondotor no fungsionario.Oinsa se loron ida $25.00 ? sura deit ba belun sira, nee la konta ho Guverno.....
Ferik katuas no Idozus sira hetan $20 USD fulan ida. maibe ulun sira la hanoin....temi maka povu, dehan maka povu katak sira nee defende aspirasaun maibe halimar ho povu.


Gosta Moris Luxu halo Nicholas crize ba orsamentu

Gasta euro tokon 25, Nicholas Cage Krize orsamentu

Los Angeles - Nicholas Cage gasta osan hamutuk tokon 25 Euro hodi hola kareta Roll-Royce sia no uma luxu tolu. Gastus makas nee halo Nicholas infrenta crize financeiru.
The sun Quinta feira nee publika, manan nain Oscar ho idade 45 nee gasta ona osan barak no oras nee infrenta crize orsamentu.
Total gastus hahu kedas tinan 2007 liu ba wainhira simu honor liu tokon 15 Euro ba filme rua National Treasure 2 no Ghost Rider nebe nomeia nudar filme nebe folin liu iha mundo.
Laos deit veiclu Rolls-Royce sia no uma tolu. Nicholas mos sosa obra arte 47 ho sasan inveita uma laran nian nebe folin karung.
Iha 2001 Nicholas mos gasta osan hodi hola uma 15 iha nasaun hotu nebe nia visita inklui ro ahi pasiar no aviaun jet Gulfstream.
Nicholas mos sosa ilya ida iha Bahama ho valor tokon 4,5 Euro ba nia rezidensia.
Eis manajer bisnis Nicholas nian Samuel Levin, hetan prosidimentu husi tribunal Los Angeles tanba akuza halo Nicholas sofre crise.
Samuel Kevin akuza fo desizaun nebe laloos ba Nicholas hodi halo investimentu ba negosio nebe la klaru. Ator Knowing nee husu Levin atu troka osan nebe maka gasta tiha ona hamutuk tokon 12 Euro.
Enkuantu Levin etok fo sujestaun ba Nicholas atu fan hotu asset nebe iha hodi resolve krize finanseiru. Nicholas konsege fan kareta no livro komik ho folin euro tokon ida. Maibe Nicholas mos iha obrigatorio atu selu taxa ho valor tokon 4 euro.


The World's Longest Woman Hair....crazy Word

Cathy Jung was held the world record for the smallest waist in the world. you can watch the video of Cathy Jung the Smallest Waist in the World on Crazy World Tube. and also the man who hold the record for the longest beard in the world.Now we got another Bizarre woman with the longest hair in the World. her name was Xie Qiuping. with her long hair. Xie Qiuping held the Guiness World Record fot the Longest Woman hair on 8 May 2004.Xie Qiuping hair was measured about 5,627 metre. or it's equal to 18 feet 5.54 inch. Really really long huh?? i wonder how she wash her hair?? and how many shampoo does she needs to wash her hair in a week?This woman from Guangxi china start growing her hair when she was 13 in 1973, and since then she doesn't cut her hair anymore and let them grow.If her hair was measured has 5,627 metre in 2004 now how long is her hair now?? it's about 5 years since the last measure.. is she still hold the record for the longest hair in the world?? who knows..
Source: Crazy Word


Tinan 18 Masacre Santa Cruz

Loron nee, 12 Novembro 1991, mais ou menus tuku sanulu resin ida dader. Hafoin tuir missa semana rua Sebastian Gomes nia mate iha igreja parokia Motael, Dili. Ema lubun nebe maioria foinsae no estudante halo prosesaun no asaun manifestasaun ba Simiterio santa cruz hodi fo honra ba matebian Sebastiaun Gomes.
Iha dalan hakilar Viva Sebastiaun, Viva Loriku aswain, Timor-Leste, no viva Timor Leste Independensia kontinua hakilar husi foinsae sira, espanduk no poster ba determinasaun kontinua haklekar. Atetude nebe brani tebes husi joven sira iha forsa Indonesia nia leet.
Aten brani ida nebe merese hetan apresiasaun no honra nebe aas husi gerasaun foin sae agora, iha mumentu manifestasaun sira iha hotu simiteriu santa cruza nia laran, derepente Forca Indonesia tiru joventude sira. Hamutuk victima atus rua resin maka mate, nain atus tolu resin kanek no atus rua lima nolu resin lakon inklui estudante universitario no activista Direitus Humanus Nova Zelandia kamal Bamadhaj.
Jornalista Estadus Unidus Amerika Amy Goodman no Alan Nairm sai sasin masakre nee iha Santa cruz enkauntu jornalista Max Stahl konsege halo gravasaun ba televisaun Britaniku. Jornalista sira konsege kontrabadeia (menyelundupkan) Gravasaun nee ba Australia.
Dokumentario first Thusday ho titulu In Cold Blood : The massacre of East Timor toka iha televisaun ITV Britaniku iha janeiro 1992. Noticia husi gravasaun nee espalha ba mundo tomak, nunee hamosu reasaun no protesta makas husi nasaun hotu iha mundo liu-liu Portugal no Australia. Indonesia hetan presaun internasional.
Sofrementu juventude sira nian loke hikas mundo internasional nia matan nebe haluha tiha ona pais kiik Timor Leste. Mundo hakfodak no hader husi dukur. Mundo koalia konaba Timor Leste no espirito joventude doko povu Timor Leste luta ba mehi ukun rasik an.
Ita sei la halo acsaun ida hanesan saida maka heroi sira nee halo tiha ona, maibe kontinua hatutan luta ba Justiza no Dezemvolvimentu iha ukun rasik an nee nia laran.
Tragedia santa cruz mosu husi sentimento solidariedade entre foinsae sira hasoru hahalok injustisa Tentara Indonesia mumentu neba. Oras nee, tinan 18 liu tiha ona Timor Leste sai ona nasaun ida nebe soberanu. Timor Oan bele ukun rasik an. Ukun rasik an nee nudar rezultadu husi ruin ho ran naklekar heroi sira nian inklui juventude loriku aswain iha massacre Santa Cruz.
Guverno valoriza sofrimentu joven sira iha masacre Santa Cruz nee hodi komemora 12 Novembro nudar loron ba Juventude Nasional. Nunee presiza iha partisipasaun masimu husi foinsae sira ba loron Juventude nasional nee.
Tinan walu depois-de masakre nee sofrementu mos to’o nia rohan. Nasaun republika Indonesia liu husi Presidente BJ Habibie fo opsaun rua ba povu TL, Independensia ou Autonomia especial hamutuk ho Republika Indonesia.
Rona tiha nee povu TL haksolok maske sente katak husi rezultadu nee fo sai ba oin, sei mosu teror no intimidasaun. Sei mosu Injustisa no destroisaun boot . Ikus mai mayoria povu rai nee hili ukun rasik an iha 30 Agostu 1999 .
Rona nain sira, Lian murak balun hateten nasaun nebe boot nasaun nebe bele fo honra ba nia heroi sira. Maske Timor leste nudar nasaun kiik maibe Timor Leste iha aten boot atu fo honra ba nia patriota sira.
Tamba ukun an laos rezultadu husi akontesimentu ida deit maibe mai husi akotesimentu konjunta nebe rezulta patriota barak rai nee nian inklui patriota 12 Novembro nian mate.
Povu Timor Leste iha neon boot atu kontinua agradese ba luta nebe heroi sira husik hela. Honra nee laos deit ba hirak nebe mate ona maibe ba mate restu sira mos merese hetan kondekorasaun ba luta nebe sira husik hela no sei kontinua hatutan nunee deit maka sei la mosu injustisa.
Loron fakar ran nebe nakfila ba loron Joventude Nasional presiza duni atensaun nudar parte ida dignifika juventude nia sofrementu.
Dignifika nee oinsa ? kondekorasaun no rekoyesimentu deit la to’o, presiza duni apresiasaun nebe aas husi Povu timor Leste tomak ba nia juventude sira.
Tempu ukun an nee mosu luta nain barak nebe sura kolen hodi hadau heroi sira nebe sofre. Nunee nasaun presiza iha criteria ida nebe bele justifika se maka merese hetan direitu konaba kontribuisaun.
Luta naruk heroi no povu rai nee nian hamoris nasaun foun ida iha mileniu nee. Pais kiik ida eziste ho naran Republica Democratica de Timor Leste (RDTL). Nasaun ida nebe hakarak moris iha demokrasia nia laran. Maibe RDTL naksobu tan deit interese ema balun nian hodi hafahe juventude no povu husi lideransa nasaun kiik nee iha crize 2006.
Matawen tun turuk iha krize nee, krize nebe hafahe hanoin kmanek sofrementu juventude iha 12 Novembro tinan 18 liu ba sulin hanesan anin naniri.
Krize liu ona mai ita kontinua hamutuk hametin espiritu 12 Novembro ba joventude sira atu iha hanoin ida deit hametin unidade nasional hanesan unidade juventude sira nian nebe akontese tiha ona liu husi juramentu fakar ran iha simiterio Santa Cruz.
Santa cruz sai sasin mudu ba ran nebe nakfakar no ruin nebe naklekar. Tamba ran nebe fakar fase sala hotu iha pasadu no ruin nebe naklekar haforsa gerasaun pais kiik nee hodi hamrik reafirma pozisaun atu bele ukun rasik an.
Kontinuasaun luta juventude nian iha ukun rasik an nee la hanesan luta fisiku nebe liu tiha ona maibe luta ho matenek. La sura semaka fo kontruisaun liu ba rai nee maibe kontribuisaun sa maka ita fo ba rai doben lafaek nee. Nunee bele iha justisa no desemvolvimentu nebe hanesan ba teritorio tomak iha Timor Leste
Isin patriota sira nebe dodok no lakon ba rai, lori rikeza natureza ba gerasaun foun. Nee duni Juventude sira presiza prepara an didiak liu husi eskola atu sai intelektual ida nebe hametin Justisa no halao Dezemvolvimento Nasional ba futuru Republika Democratika Timor Leste.
Bravo Juventude Loriku Aswain, Viva loron Juventude Nasional


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Hi there, Fancy living it up in Philadelphia, the city where history and hip collide? The east coast's 2nd biggest city offers colourful history, plenty of culture, restaurant delights and, best of all, tax free shopping on clothes and shoes! We are looking for a budding presenter to video the city's highlights. We're giving away a free trip to Philadelphia for two worth $4,000!! All you have to do is answers five short questions on WAYN's Philadelphia profile and submit a link to a short video of your travels anywhere in the world. Your Philadelphia video will then be shared with the WAYN community on the destination profile! The prize is unbelievable with VIP passes to top Philadelphia attractions, Visa Gift Check for shopping, flights and so on… Visit the Philadelphia profile on WAYN now for your chance to enjoy the best of this gorgeous east coast city! See you there!


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fair share of feed traffic

FeedBurner has been busy analyzing, publicizing, optimizing and monetizing site feeds since 2004, and in that time, seen your fair share of feed traffic. In fact, we see billions of hits from feed traffic per week, and we watch this data carefully for trends and opportunities to improve what we do in making sure your feed content is delivered as quickly as possible, as accurately as possible, no matter what its destination might be.
For instance, on the previous post in this blog, we change the link in the feed item for "FeedBurner Terms of Service Update" from


which sends the browser to that original URL, but allows us to first track the click.
As a technical detail, we rewrote these links with a code of "302 Temporary Redirect" which tells the browser or consuming service that the redirect is not permanent, and thus it would need to be read every time.
As of today we are changing this to be a "301 Permanent Redirect" because we've looked at the traffic enough to tell that there some benefit to changing this to a "301 Permanent Redirect" - in that some search engines that index the feeds themselves will consider these to be additional links that should be used in determining the popularity of your site. This is the same way that "URL shortener" services send traffic and get treated by search engines, so we feel that this is consistent with the way that content is distributed today.


ADULT galleries in the CLEAN section

Hi Everyone.

This news is just a notice to tell you that create galleries using tags that has nothing to do with the gallery.

Keep doing this and you will either get these galleries removed or you will not be able to post galleries on URL Galleries portal page any more. You will not be able to add tags either!

It is allowed to use tags like the name of your blog, so that users can find the galleries on your blog. But thats how far as it goes, YOUR TAGS MUST have something to do with your gallery!

Same goes for you that posts ADULT galleries in the CLEAN section, this will either get your galleries removed, or your account closed down.

You that currently does this, we know who you are, and your galleries has already been modified not to be visible on URL Galleries portal page.

This is not open for a discussion. It is simple, keep the basic rules and we will not mind what you do. no more visit


The best way to use payday advances

What's the deal with payday advances and why would you need one? If you have asked this question a couple of times lately, this article is just the thing you need to get a better understanding of the subject. Payday advances are a relatively new financial instrument that is used to provide emergency financing in situations when additional cash is needed fast. In essence it's like a financial first aid kit that helps you cope with gaps between your paydays. And all you have to do to receive such a loan is go online, apply for it, wait approval which usually takes about an hour and get the money right on your banking account. Simple and effective! There are many sites offering payday advances online. The above mentioned mechanism applies to the majority of them, and by following it you can get loans from $100 to $1000 and even for larger amounts of money in certain cases. And the best thing here is that you get the cash in less than an hour. Who can apply for such loans? Before you actually use the benefits of such cash loans, you have to know who is eligible for such services. Of course the fact that you can get fast cash right when you need it is very attractive, but you will have to qualify within a set of certain criteria before doing so. First of all, you have to be a citizen of the USA, you should have a job with a monthly salary of not less than $1000 per month, have an active banking account for depositing the loan, and be 18 years and over of age. If you correspond to these criteria you are free to apply for payday loans right when you need it. How do these loans work? Cash advance services are by far the easiest method of receiving financial emergency aid for an individual. There are numerous service centers where you can receive such a loan, but of course it's far easier and faster to get a payday loan online without leaving your home. All you have to do is fill out special online forms, which don't take more than 20 minutes to study and complete. After the forms are filled out and your application is reviewed and approved, you will be deposited with the required amount of money right to your banking account within 24 hours. Payday loans usually come with rather high interest rates ranging from 12% to 30%. Interest rates vary significantly between companies and websites, and such high numbers are simply explained by the short term nature of such loans. The shorter is the repay period (which is only a few weeks or even days in case of these loans), the higher will be the interest rate. There's also an option to roll off the due date with such a loan but this will result in even higher additional fees. Cash advance comes with a price, but still numerous studies show that it is by far the most popular way to get emergency short term financing. It's very easy to use and you get your money fairly fast in comparison with other types of financing. So now you know what these cash loans are used for and why.
to know more visit


How Healthy Is Your Network?

If you needed to find a new job, how many people could you turn to for help? If the answer is "not many," you may need to upgrade your professional network.
"Maintaining a network should be a routine part of your career development strategy, not just something you turn toward in a career crisis," said Janet Civitelli, associate director of University Career Services at the University of Houston, who works with both students and alumni.
Civitelli and other experts offer these questions for assessing the health of your network:
1. How many former co-workers' contact information do you have?
Focus particularly on your peers and people above you in the organization.
The more people you're in touch with, the better. If you need to beef up the number of people in your network, a tool like LinkedIn can help, both with searching and with keeping up with former colleagues' job moves.
2. Does your network include a handful of people who could serve as references?
These people need to be willing to recommend you -- and they need to know your work well. "References can't be vaguely positive," Civitelli said.
If you can't think of four to six good reference candidates, you need to step up your networking to make sure people you work with know about your achievements.
3. How many of your contacts have you communicated with in the past six months?
This is a measure of your active network.
"You don't need to talk to everyone in your network every three minutes," said Richard Phillips, owner of Advantage Career Solutions. But you should check in regularly, even if you just send a brief email saying you hope all is well. That way, when you do need to ask for job-hunting help, it will be "emotionally much easier" to make the contact.
4. Have you had lunch or coffee with someone from your network in the past month?
Make a point of meeting in person with a former colleague or another professional connection every few weeks.
5. Have you attended a professional event recently?
Attending professional conferences will help you expand your network beyond former colleagues. Becoming active in a professional association will also boost your resume.
6. Have you added any professional contacts in the past month?
Your network needs to grow in order to stay vital. Try to add new contacts -- either by getting back in touch with former colleagues or by meeting new people -- frequently.
7. Are you networking "outside the box" -- that is, making connections beyond your former colleagues and friends?
Job opportunities can arise from unexpected sources. Marianne Adoradio, a career counselor in Silicon Valley, recommends expanding your network to include some people outside your industry and at different stages of their careers, who can tell you about trends and opportunities you might not otherwise hear about.
8. When your professional contacts get in touch with you, do you answer?
"People just kind of steer away from you if you're not responding," Adoradio said.
What if a contact is asking for job leads and you don't have any? "You do have the ability to offer something of great value," Phillips said: encouragement. This will also increase the chances that that person will help you sometime in the future.
Follow one of these Yahoo! HotJobs accounts on Twitter for jobs in selected metro regions, and you'll get "tweets" when a relevant new job is posted.
Soucre From 8 Questions to Assess Your Professional Network's Strength by Margaret Steen, for Yahoo! Hot Jobs


Tinan 10 konsulta popular

Timor Leste tinan 10 Consulta Popular

Suasana kota Dili sepanjang hari kemarin (30/8) benar-benar ramai. Masyarakat Timor Leste diliputi sukacita. Peringatan 10 tahun kemenangan jajak pendapat (referendum) berlangsung meriah. Pada pagi, warga sudah memenuhi halaman depan Palacio do Presidenti (Istana Presiden) menyaksikan upacara pengibaran bendera dan parade militer. Siang, acara dilanjutkan resepsi bersama. Sore, di depan Palacio do Governo (Istana Perdana Menteri) digelar pesta rakyat. Pentas dan konser musik berlangsung semalam suntuk. Hiburan gratis bagi warga tersebut dimulai pukul 18.00 WTL (sekitar pukul 16.00 WIB). Ribuan orang membanjiri halaman bekas Kantor Gubernur Timor Timur itu. Diva pop Indonesia Krisdayanti tampil dalam pesta tadi malam. Sebelumnya, tampil parade budaya dari 13 distrik (Lautem, Baucau, Viqueque, Manatuto, Manufahi, Ainaro, Ailiu, Bobonaro, Covalima, Ermera, Liquica, Dili, dan Oe-ccusi). Setiap distrik menampilkan tarian rakyat yang disebut tebedai dan likurai. Diiringi koremetan, musik tradisional dari peralatan sederhana seperti babadok, alat musik tabuh dari kulit binatang, dan gong, para penari melangkahkan kaki. Koremetan merupakan alat musik khas warga Timor saat pesta selepas masa perkabungan. Para penari, baik pria maupun wanita, mengenakan pakaian tradisional yang terbuat dari tais, pintalan benang khas Timor. Kepala para penari dimahkotai kaibauk, lempengan berbentuk bulan sabit dari perak. Kepala penari lelaki ditambah hiasan setinggi 50 cm yang terbuat dari bulu ayam jantan. Di kaki dan tangan melingkar cincin dari kulit kambing. Warga yakin, bulu ayam melambangkan keperkasaan lelaki. Tarian yang ditampilkan setiap distrik juga mengisahkan hikayat kepahlawanan tokoh lokal. Setelah pergelaran budaya, sekitar pukul 22.30 WTL, Krisdayanti tampil membawakan lagu dalam bahasa Tetun, bahasa pengantar rakyat Timor Leste. Sebelum menyanyi, KD -begitu dia akrab dipanggil- menyapa penonton dalam bahasa Tetun. ''Imi diak ka lae (Apa kabar? Baik atau tidak?),'' katanya. Saat menyanyikan Rai Dili, Rai Cidade (tanah kota Dili), KD mendapatkan aplaus penonton. Apalagi, vokal istri musikus Anang Hermansyah itu nyaris sempurna saat melafalkan kata-kata bahasa Tetun. Setelah membawakan lima lagu, KD beristirahat. Lagu-lagu itu, antara lain, Pilihlah Aku Jadi Pacarmu, Mencintaimu, Penasaran, dan Kopi Dangdut. Saat melantunkan Mencintaimu, KD sempat naik ke panggung kehormatan tempat Presiden Republik Demokratik Timor Leste (RDTL) Jose Ramos Horta dan PM Xanana Gusmao. KD mengajak Horta berjoget. Horta pun berdiri, lalu bergoyang. Selanjutnya, KD mendatangi Xanana. Keduanya berjoget pula. Melihat KD berkeringat, Xanana lantas mengeluarkan sapu tangan dari saku kanan celananya dan mengusap wajah KD. Lalu, KD memuji Xanana. ''Banyak wanita yang menjadikan Anda idola, Mr Xanana,'' kata KD. Xanana hanya senyum. Dia tetap berdiri hingga KD meninggalkan panggung. Saat upacara peringatan referendum pagi harinya, Ramos Horta meminta Indonesia mengembalikan kerangka mantan Presiden (Ketua) Fretilin Nicolao Lobato dan warga lain yang dibunuh TNI pada 1975-1999. Mereka diharapkan bisa dimakamkan bersama para pejuang kemerdekaan Timor Leste di TMP Metinaro, Dili. Permintaan Horta dilontarkan saat upacara di Palacio do Presidenti, Aitarak Laran, Dili, kemarin (30/8). Pemerintah Tmor Leste terus mencari tulang belulang ribuan pejuang yang tidak diketahui keberadaannya, termasuk Nicolao Lobato. Horta mengatakan, Lobato tewas ditembak TNI dan jenazahnya dikuburkan di Indonesia. Hingga kini, kuburan tokoh yang namanya diabadikan menjadi nama Bandara Dili itu tidak diketahui. ''Atas nama negara, saya meminta pemerintah Indonesia mengembalikan tulang belulang Presiden Nicolao Lobato agar dimakamkan di TMP Metinaro,'' pintanya. Saat Horta menyampaikan permintaan itu, Menlu Indonesia Nur Hassan Wirajuda baru masuk Istana Presiden. Wirajuda terlambat mengikuti pengibaran bendera Bintang Hitam Merah Kuning milik Timor Leste. Wirajuda mengatakan, permintaan itu merupakan bagian dari upaya kedua negara untuk memajukan rekonsiliasi. Dia menyatakan tidak bisa memutuskan, tetapi akan menyampaikan kepada Presiden RI Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). ''Mudah-mudahan bisa terjadi,'' kata Wirajuda setelah bertemu empat mata dengan PM Xanana Gusmao di Palacio do Governo kemarin. (jus/dwi)

Source : Jawa Pos


Timor Leste iha Istoria 1520-2005

Tinan 10 ona maka Timor Leste husik an husi kolonialismo. To’o konkista nia Independensia iha loron 20 Maio 2002, Timor Leste oras nee tama ona ba paises nebe joven liu iha Planeta, Parte Leste rai Timor, ilha sudeste Asiatico, no ohin loron hanaran Repúblika Demokratika Timor Leste, Hafoin domina husi kolonialismo sira durante seclo lima nia laran

Ba maluk sira nebe hakarak hatene Istoria Timor Leste ninian lee deit kronologia nee.

1520- Entreposto Portugues
Ema Portugueses, hanesan ema Europeia Primeiro nebe kolonia sudeste asiatiku, monta entreposto komersiais iha ilha Timor ho hare sandalo ka ai kameli. Tamba ai kameli nudar ai ida nebe ho folin aas no iha komersio nian hodi utiliza ba fabrika moveis nebe luxo, no halo mina morin.

1613 - Dominação holandesa
Holandes halo funu contra Espana no portugal, Espana desembarca cidade Kupang no domina parte ocidental ilha Timor, Teritorio nee aktual hanaran Timor-Oeste.

1859 - Timor dividido, Iha loron 20 Abril, Portugal no Holanda fahe Ilha Timor ba kolonia rua, Holanda ukun parte Oeste no Portugal ukun parte Leste. Tratado nee foin halao iha tinan 1861 no dekada ida tuir 1914 mai definida fronteirasTimor.

1942- Invasão Japonesa. Iha Segunda guerra, Japaun Invade, Timor sai ilha disputa husi Australia, to’o iha tinan 1945 Portugal domina Parte oriental. No parte Oeste passa ba provinsia Indonesia.

1974- Revolusaun dos Cravos. Iha loron 25 Abril 1974 mosu revolusaun boot husi kolonia Portuguesa hodi hatun junta militar portugal. Sinal diak ba rai kolonia sira atu bele ukun an.
11 Maio Forma Uniaun Demokratiku Timorense (UDT)
20 Maio 1974 Partido ASDT funda hodi responde revolusaun dos Cravos 25 Abril 1974. Iha loron 11 Setembro 1974 ASDT muda naran ba Fretilin (Frente revulusionaria Timor leste independente) ho nia Presidente Fransisco Xavier do Amaral no Nicolau Lobatu nudar Secretario Geral.
27 Maio Funda Assosiasaun popular Demokratika Timor (APODETI).
Iha Julho Embaisador Indonesia nian iha Bruxelas Franz Seda Visita Portugal
Iha Setembro Primeiro Ministro Australia Inkontro ho Jeneral Soeharto hodi ekpresa apoio Integrasaun Timor Leste ba Indonesia
14 Novembro Lemos Pires assume Cargo Guvernador no chefe komandante iha Timor.

1975- Primeira Independência ,
Iha 20 Janeiro UDT ho Fretilin halo koligasaun koalia konaba proseso autonomia ida ba Timor Leste durante Tinan 5-10 molok hetan Independensia loloos.
09 Marsu delegasaun Portugal ho Indonesia halo reuniaun iha Loundres hodi deskute kestaun Timor Leste.
20 Maio Fretilin halo manifestasaun primiero Aniversario iha Dili.
27 Maio UDT rompe kolegasaun ho FRETILIN
05 Junho primeiraves Portugal komunika informasaun ba UNO konaba Timor Leste
17 Junho Suharto Visita Estadus Unidus Amerika hodi esplika konaba apoio Amerika nian ba Indonesia hodi halo Invasaun mai Timor Leste.
26 Junho Manifestasaun UDT iha Dili konaba cimeira ida iha rai Macau nebe representa partidos Timorense.
17 Julho Promulgasaun lei no 7/75 nebe defini prosesu dekolonizasaun Timor Leste.
10-11 Agostu UDT lansa golpe armada hodi hetan poder ba ukun Timor
20 Agostu FRETILIN halo kontra golpe no Forca Armada ba libertasaun Nasional, Falintil sai liman kroat no lutu nasaun nian, Nikolau Lobatu sai nudar Primeira Komandante FALINTIL.
26 Agosto Administrasaun Portuguesa nian sai husi Dili no muda ba Atauro
27 Agostu UDT husik hela Dili no desloka ba Likisa
16 Outobro Tropas Indonesia tama iha Batugade, Jornalista Australiano nain lima mate
14 Novembro Exersito Indonesia komesa Ataka Atabae
27 Novembro negosiasaun Portugal ho Partidos timorense iha Darwin atu boikota Indonesia
28 Novembro, Tinan ida hafoin Revolusaun dos Cravos no ikus husi ditadura Portugal, Fretilin deklara Independensia hafoin manan luta contra golpe UDT.
29 Novembro , Portugal la rekonhese Independensia unilateral nomos inegrasaun nebe maka partido iha Timor halo.
30 Novembro Representante UDT,APODETI,KOTA (Klibur Oan Timor Aswain) no Partido Trabalhista assina Proklamasaun Integrasaun hanaran deklarasaun Balibo hodi defende Integrasaun Timor Leste ba Indonesia.
06 Desembro Presidente Norte Amerikano Gerald Ford ho nia secretario estado Kenry Kissinger enkrontro ho Suharto para halo asaun rapida no drastika hasoru Timor Leste.
07 Desembro Forca Indonesia halao Operasaun Komodo no Invade Timor Leste.
12 Desembro Asembleia geral ONU hasai resulusaun no 3485 kondena Intervesaun military Indonesia iha Timor Leste.
22 Desembro Konselu siguransa ONU Vota unanimidade resulusaun no 384 kondena Invasaun mai Timor leste no husu imediata retira forca invasor.

1976 - Invasão indonésia, iha 20-22 Janeiro enviado especial Secretario jeral ONU Vittorio Guicciardi, Visita Timor-Leste
Iha ditadura Suharto nian, Indonesia Anexa Timor Leste, no ignora Guverno Portugues nomos ONU. Nunee haruka tropas Indonesia tama Timor Leste. Timor oan besik 200.000 maka mate durante invasaun nee.
Iha Loron 17 Juilo 1976, partido Apodeti deklara Timor Leste Integra ho Indonesia, no sai hanesan provinsia 27 ba Indonesia.

1977- iha tinan nee iha Remexio (Aileu) Fransisco Xavier tun husi nia kargu nudar Presidente Partido Fretilin nomos Presidente RDTL no troka fali Husi Nikolau Lobato hanesan presidente Partido Fretilin no Presidente RDTL daruak.

1978- iha 22 Novembro Forca Indonesia controla Matebian, Matebian nudar ikus husi base resistensia lima nebe sai intesaun ataqe husi Forsa Indonesia.
22 Desembro Australia rekonyese de jure Integrasaun Timor Leste ba Indonesia
31 Desembro Tropas Indonesia oho Komandante Falintil Nikolau Lobato iha Mindelo/Turiscai.

1980- Xanana chefia Falintil no Conselho Revolusionario de Resistensia Nasional (CRRN).

1981- iha 01-08 Marsu halao Konferensia Nasional Sekretu ida iha Lakluta Viqueque Xanana Gusmao eleito ba komando Falintil.
07 Abril Santa se Aprova Lian tetum nudar lian Liturgica
Fulan Maio to’o setembro Indonesia halao operasaun Pagar Betis ou operasi kikis iha operasaun nee militar Indonesia uza populasaun sira hodi ataka gerilieiru sira nebe halo rezistensia iha foho. 19-21 Junho Komisaun dos direitus do povu maubere (CDPM) Reuniaun iha Lisboa konaba situasaun iha Timor
07 setembro akontese masakre iha Lakluta

1982 – 02 Abril Asembleia republika Portugal aprova comisaun iventual hodi akompanha situasaun iha Timor-Leste
Iha Setembro D. Martnho Lopes enkontro ho Xanana iha Mehara
Comisario politika nasional no comandante FALINTIL Xanana Gusmao enkontro ho komandante Tropas Indonesia iha Timor Leste Coronel Purwanto konaba Cessar-fogo, enkontro nee halao iha Buburake Viqueque.

1983- iha loron 10 Maio liu husi komunikadu imprensa Xanana gusmao propoen conversasoens entre Portugal, Indonesia, Australia no FRETILIN konaba Forca nasionalista iha Timor.
12 Maio Monsenhor Ximenes Belo simu pose nudar Administrador Apostolico Dili, substitui Monsenhor Martinho da Costa Lopes. Iha loron nebe hanesan Xanana proklama konvergensia nasionalista luta kontra invazor indonesia to’o 1984.
07 Setembro akontese Masakre iha Kraras hamate ema wain, operasaun ofensia Forsa Indonesia nee hanaran Operasaun Keamanan

1984- Xanana halo re-estruturasaun Forca Armada.

1985- Iha loron 05 Maio 1985 Xanana husik Comite central Fretilin no strutura CRRN assume komando Falintil

1986- Iha Marso 1986 iha ona unifikasaun movimentu resistensia hafoin Fretilin no UDT konkorda kriaasaun Convergensia Nasionalista.
25 Abril Xanana Gusmao inkontru ho Amo Belo iha Fatumaca

1987- Iha 1 janeiro 1987 Fretilin no UDT hari Conselho nasional da Resistensia Maubere (CNRM) .

1988- Iha loron 20 Juino 1988 hari Resistensia nasional dos estudantes de Timor leste (RENETIL).iha fulan Juino neemos Mario carrascalao nudar Guvernador Timor propoen ba Suharto atu loke Timor ba rai liur.
31 Desembro 1988 Xanana Gusmao Anuncia Falintil non Partisan, no iha Loron nee kedas FALINTIL mos fila an hanesan liman kroat povu nian iha CNRM nia aimahon okos.

1989- Iha loron 06 Febreiro Amo Belo hakerek karta ida ba Secretario geral ONU hodi realize referendum iha Timor Leste.
05 Outobro Presidente CNRM no komandante FALINTIL Xanana Gusmao apresenta plano foun ba secretario geral ONU
12 Outobro Amo Papa João Paulo II Visita Timor leste. Iha visita Tasi Tolu nee akontese mos manifestasaun husi organisaun rede Clandestina.

1990 - Iha loron 23-28 Maio 1990 iha Aitana , CNRM halo enkontro ekstraordinario ba restruturasaun movimentu resistensia. Husi inkontro nee Xanana rejignaan husi Partido Fretilin, maibe kontinua asume komando FALINTIL no presidente CNRM. Husi enkontro nee forma Front Clandestina. Falintil rekonyese nudar Front Armada hodi halo gerilya kontra actividade tropas Indonesia nebe okupa Timor Leste. Front Clandetina organiza povu kontra actividade militar Indonesia nudar parte ida husi movimentu resistensia. Front ida seluk maka Front Diplomasia, hodi halao diplomasia iha rai liur ba Timor Leste nia ukun rasik an. Frente Clandestina kontinua halibur foinsae sira hodi halo manifestasaun pasifika.
11 Agosto Xanana Gusmao haruka karta ida ba Constansio Pinto atu juventude sira respeita desizaun komando da luta no evita manisfestasaun nebe la iha autorizasaun husi komando da luta.

1991- iha loron 28 Janeiro Forca Indonesia Kaptura Mau Hodu, Vice Secretario Comisaun diretiva FRETILIN
12 Novembro 1991 mosu akontese masacre boot iha Santa Cruz. Husi tragedia nee Timor Leste hetan atensaun boot husi mundo. Desde reestruturasaun foun Lider FALINTIL no CNRM barak mak mate, lakon no tun husi Foho to’o kapturasaun Xanana nian iha 1992.

1992- iha loron 20 Novembro 1992 Forca Indonesia kaptura Xanana Gusmao. Mau Huno husi Esterin Komite Fretilin kontinua lidera Falintil no CNRM to’o 05 Abril 1993.

1993- hafoin Forsa Indonesia kaptura Mau huno, Iha loron 25 Abril 1993 komando Falintil ho CNRM entrega ba Nino Koni Santana. Comandante FALINTIL, Nino Konis Santana kaer comando iha territorio laran i organiza estrutura resistencia foun.
21 Maio Xanana hetan sentensa cadeia to’o mate. Loron ikus sira muda fali sentensa ba tinan 20 iha cadeia.
Julho Autoridade Indonesia halo “conversasaun ba reconsiliasaun” maibe povo barak nunca simu.
05 Setembro Joven sira halo manifestasaun perante membros Congresso dos estados unidos nebe Vista Dili.
Dezembro “Conversasaun ba reconsiliasaun” halo iha London, hetan critica barak.

1994- iha Fevereiro Konis Santana reorganiza resistencia i chefia atu hahu operasaun ho escala boot.
11 ~13 Agosto Membros Parlamento Japaun nain lima visita oficialmente Timor Loro Sa’e. Novembro Baku malu entre imigrantes mai husi Indonesia ho Timor oan iha Becora.
12 Novembro Klosan Timor oan nain 29 tama iha Embaixada America iha Jakarta durante APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference) halo reuniao iha Indonesia.

1995 – iha 1 Janeiro Besik emar 200 Timor oan baku malu ho tropa Indonesia iha Baucau, hahu husi discusaun entre emar rai nain ho imigrante ida husi Sulawesi.
3 ~ 5 Junho Hahu encontro AIETD (All-inclusive Intra East Timorese Dialogue) Nasoens Unidas maka esponsoriza, halo iha Austria.
29 Junho Chefe CEL/FC (Conselho Executivo da Luta / Frente Clandestina) Sabalae ho nia assistente lakon.
30 Junho Tribunal Justisa Internasional hakotu julgamento katak labele halo decisaun ba caso proseso judicial Portugal ho Australia kona ba Timor Gap.
14 Novembro Klosan 21 Timor oan tama ba Embaixada Japaun nian iha Jakarta iha tempo lolos APEC halo reuniaun iha Japaun.

1996- Pressão internacional. Iha 19 Marso Nasoens Unidas ajuda reuniaun AIETD ba dala rua iha Austria ba loron hira nia laran.
20 Agosto Funu entre FALINTIL (Comandante David Alex nia grupo) ho TNI (Tentara Nasional Indonesia) ema estrangeiro hasai filme ba dala uluk.
Outubro Premio Nobel Paz hakotu atu fo ba Amu Bispo Belo ho CNRM nia Espesial Representante José Ramos Horta.

1997- iha Marso Nasoens Unidas haruka Jamsheed Marker visita Xanana. I iha Timor Loro Sa’e, activista Timor oan baku malu ho autoridade Indonesia depois de nia visita.
25 Junho Tropa Indonesia kaer Comandante David Alex “Dai-Tula”. Problema nia mate ka moris sedauk loos.Presidente Africa do Sul Nelson Mandela hasoru Xanana.
20 ~ 23 Outubro Nasoens Unidas ajuda encontro ba dala tolu AIETD nebe halo iha Austria.

1998- iha Janeiro 1998 Indonesia nia osan Rupia tuun makaas. Crisis economia iha Indonesia.
11 Marso 1998 Comandante Nino Konis Santana mate tamba monu iha fatuk koak ka moras. Comandante Taur Matan Ruak, chefe EMF (Estado-Maior das FALINTIL), sai hanesan comandante iha rai Timor Loro Sa’e laran.
30 Marso Konis Santana nia mate anunsia husi radio Portugal programa internasional.
23 ~ 27 Abril Reuniaun Nasional Timor nian halo iha Peniche-Portugal. UDT simu partisipasaun CNRT(Conselho Nacional da Resistência Timorense). Presidente maka Xanana Gusmão i vice-Presidente maka José Ramos Horta.
21 Maio Soeharto sai husi nia posisaun hanesan Presidente. Hakotu tinan 32 nia ditadura. Habibie sai hanesan presidente foun Republica Indonesia.
9 Junho Presidente foun Habibie hatete sai katak governo Indonesia prepara atu fo Timor Loro Sa’e status foun “provincia especial” iha rai Indonesia nia laran.
12 Junho Estudantes Timor oan liu rihun ida halo demonstrasaun iha Ministro Negocios Estrangeiros nian oin iha Jakarta, la’e simu Habibie fo referendo i husik Xanana.
28 Julho Hanesan dalan ba paz husi Habibie, soldado Indonesia balu hahu dada sai husi Timor Loro Sa’e. Mai be liu tia, hanesan resultado, numero soldado Indonesia aumenta tan.
4 ~ 5 Agosto Conversasaun entre Ministro Negocios Estrangeiros Indonesia ho Portugal ho ajuda Secretario Geral Nasoens Unidas. Laiha acordo ida ba proseso referendo.
Outubro Tropa Indonesia hahu halao operasaun hasoru FALINTIL.
Fim de Outubro Nasoens Unidas halao reuniaun ba dala hat AIETD iha Austria
Novembro Iha reportagem katak acontece massacre iha Alas.
Fim de Dezembro Emar atus ida halo deslocasaun husi Alas ba Dili.

1999- Masacre Civil, iha 12 Janeiro Governo Australiano halo mudansa politica kona ba Timor Loro Sa’e, suporta Xanan nia libertasaun i referendo.
27 Janeiro Ba dala uluk governo Indonesia fo hatene Timor iha posibilidades ba ukun rasik an.
10 Fevereiro Xanana sai husi Prisaun Cipinang muda ba prisaun espesial.
5 Marso Xanana hasoru Secretaria Estados Unidos da América nian Madeleine Albright i husu referendo i suportasaun internasional.
11 Marso Ministro Negocios Estrangeiros Indonesia ho Portugal halo acordo atu halo referendo.
Abril Hahu hari milicia pro-integrasaun, organizado i hetan suportasaun husi militar Indonesia ho forsa halo acsoens violensias, emar barak mate i halo emar barak halai sai husi uma.
6 Abril Massacre iha Igreja Liquisa nudar testemunha emar mate atus rua liu.
5 Maio Indonesia, Portugal i Nasoens Unidas halo acordo atu halo referendum iha 8 de Agosto atu husik povo Timor decide simu ou la’e simu autonimia especial. Sira mos halo acordo katak Nasoens Unidas ho naran UNAMET (United Nations Assistance Mission in East Timor) hari i estado Indonesia responsabiliza sobre seguransa. Maibe ulun Resitensia Timor sira la’e simu katak Indonesia toma responsabilidade ba seguransa atu halo referendo i husu forsas armadas internasionais atu tau matan ba tropas Indonesia i milicias.
20 Maio UNAMET anunsia violensia husi milicia i husu atensaun ba Nasoens Unidas.
26 Maio Conselho Seguransa Nasoens Unidas preocupa sobre seguransa situansaun iha Timor Loro Sa’e.
3 Junho UNAMET loke nia ofisio.
25~30 Junho Conferensia entre CNRT (Xanana halo presensa) ho grupo pro-integrasaun halo iha Jakarta. Conferensia ne’e naran Dare ・ Paz i Reconsiliasaun. Ramos Horta halo visita ba dala uluk Jakarta iha tinan 24 nia laran.
4 Julho Ba dala uluk grupos armadas tiro Nasoens Unidas nia kareta iha Liquisa.
12 Julho Referendo adia tan semana rua.
16 Julho Hahu halo registrasaun ba referendo.
28 Julho Referendo adia tan dala ida i decide atu halo iha 30 de Agusto.
14 ~ 27 Agosto Campanhe ba referendo.
20 Agosto FALINTIL halo celebrasaun tinan 24 ba dala uluk iha acontonamento iha Waimori.
28 Agosto Iha Oe-Cusse (populasaun besik 58,000), milicia comesa halo destruisaun iha cidade. Populasaun barak emar obriga atu evacua ba Timor Loro Monu, lao hakur foho.
30 Augosto Referendo iha Timor Loro Sa’e tama ba historia. Emar tuir eleisaun besik 450,000. Emar halo parte to’o 98.6%.
4 Setembro Hatete sae resultado kona ba referendo. Vota ba ukun rasik an menan 78.5%. Vota ba autonomia menan 21.5%. Comunidade internasional aceita ukun rasik an ba Timor Loro Sa’e. Maibe grupo milicia pro-integrasaun hahu operasaun violensia ba emar ho cidade. Staf UNAMET i jornalistas sira halai. Populasaun besik 250,000 ~ 300,000 emar obriga atu halai sai ba Timor Loro Monu ho rai seluk husi Indonesia. Emar besik rihun ida mate. Timor Loro Sa’e hahu runguranga. Iha horas tolu dadesan populasaun barak maka halai ba Dare, Waimori, Bemos ho fatin seluk-seluk tan, durante semana tolu nia laran to’o INTERFET (International Force East Timor = Forsa Internasional ba Timor Loro Sa’e) tama iha Timor Loro Sa’e. Iha tempo neeba mos populasaun barak la lori bukae barak to’o loron bukae ne’e hotu populasaun tun mai Dili buka hahan ruma atu aguenta moris.
7 Setembro Xanana sai husi cadeia i hela iha Inglaterra nia Embaixada. Amu Bispo Belo evacua ba Darwin tanba indiscriminasaun violencia aumenta husi militar/milicias.
10 Setembro Tuir jurnal Portugues, Militar Indonesia oho Mau Hudo iha Batugade, maibe nia certeza seidauk loos.
12 Setembro Habibie simu tropas internasionais tama iha Timor Loro Sa’e depois de hetan presaun internasional, espesialmente husi America. Maibe husik hela pergunta boot ida nusa Uma Mutin (White House) hein atu fo pressaun ba Jakarta to’o milicias hakotu ho sira acsaun destruisaun.
14 Setembro Besik 1,500 staf Timor oan husi UNAMET, nebe halai ba Nasoens Unidas nia repartisaun semo ba Darwin.
15 Setembro Conselho Seguransa Nasoens Unidas hakotu atu haruka forsa multinasional ho tropa barak liu husi Australia ba Timor Loro Sa’e.
19 Setembro Loron ida ne’e, Xanana to’o iha Darwin husi Jakarta.
20 Setembro Primeiro grupo forsas multinasionais ho naran INTERFET to’o iha Dili.
28 Setembro Xanana iha Nova Yorke hasoru Secretario Geral Nasoens Unidas Kofi Annan.
Fim de Setembro Tiro malu entre INTERFET ho tropas pro-Jakarta iha fronteira.
1 Outubro 1999 Xanana ba Lisboa husi New Yorke ho aviaun Forsa Aerea Portuguesa.
6 Outubro Amu Bispo Belo fila fali ba Timor Loro Sa’e.
14 Outubro Xanana fila fali ba Darwin, depois de visita Dablin i Londres.
16 ~ 20 Outubro Conferensia CNRT iha Darwin, atu discuti estrategia foun.
18 Outubro FALINTIL husu lalais INTERFET haruka ba Oe-Cusse.
21 Outubro Xanana fila fali ba Timor Loro Sa’e desde emar kaer nia iha 1992.
22 Outubro Xanana koalia dala uluk ba povo iha Repartisaun Governador nian oin iha Dili i Taur Matan Ruak hamarik iha Xanana nia sorin. Iha Oe-Cusse INTERFET hahu ho operasaun.
24 Outubro Xanana visita Remexio segundo acontonamento FALINTIL nian, nebe dala ikus muda ba Aileu.
25 Outubro Conselho Seguransa Nasoens Unidas harii UNTAET (United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor = Nasoens Unidas nian Administrasaun Transitoria iha Timor Loro Sa’e). Sergio Vieira de Mello sai Secretario Geral Nasoens Unidas nian Representante.
31 Outubro Tropas Indonesia dada sai husi Timor Loro Sa’e, hakotu ocupasaun militar Indonesia iha Timor Loro Sa’e durante tinan 24 nia laran.
28 Novembro Primeiro Ministro Australiano John Haward visita Timor Loro Sa’e.
1 Desembro José Ramos Horta fila fali ba Timor Loro Sa’e ba dala uluk depois de tinan 24 nia laran.
17 ~ 18 Dezembro Nasoens Unidas, Banco Mundial ho Japaun organiza ba dala uluk reunaun ida nasoens doador iha Tokyo. Besik delegados 200 husi nasoens 50 ho organizasoens internasionais aceita fo ajuda besik US$520 milhoes iha tinan tolu ni laran atu reconstrui Timor Loro Sa’e. Xanana visita Tokyo iha loron 16 to’o 18 i husu comunidade internasional atu halo lalais acsaun atu intensifica produsaun alimento iha Timor Loro Sa’e.
20 Dezembro Xanana halo parte iha ceremonia Macau entrega fila fali ba China.
28 Dezembro Relasoens Diplomaticas entre Portugal ho Indonesia, nebe kotu tamba problema Timor Loro Sa’e iha tinan 24 nia laran, oficialmente restaura fila fali.

2000- iha 23 Janeiro Jaime do Los Santos, Oficial Militar Philipina, sai comandante PKF (Peace Keeping Force = Forsa Manutensaun Paz) iha Timor Loro Sa’e.
22 Janeiro UNTAET hakotu osan America (dolar) hanesan osan oficial durante periodo transisaun ne’e. CNRT simu decisaun ida ne’e.
9 Fevereiro Forsa Portuguesa tun iha Timor Loro Sa’e depois de 1975.
12 Fevereiro Presidente Portugal Jorge Sampaio visita Timor Loro Sa’e.
17 Fevereiro Secretario Geral Nasoens Unidas Kofi Annan visita Timor Loro Sa’e.
23 Fevereiro Comandante INTERFET Peter Cosgrove ho Representante Especial UNTAET Sergio Vieira de Mello ho Xanana hamotuk ho Amu Bispo Belo nia presensa halo assinatura iha cerimonia INTERFET entrega nia serviso ba UNTAET. INTERFET sai i PKF hahu ho operasoens.
29 Fevereiro Presidente Indonesia Wahid visita Timor Loro Sa’e i halo acordo atu estabelece amizade entre nasoens rua.
27 Marso UNTAET loke Academia Polisia Timor Loro Sa’e iha Dili ho candidato nain 50 hahu treino fulan tolu nia laran.
22 ~ 25 Abril Primeiro Ministro Portugal Antonio Guterres visita Timor Loro Sa’e ba dala uluk.
29 Abril Repartisaun Postal Dili hahu loke, oficialmente inaugura hahu serviso postal iha Timor Loro Sa’e, fo serviso postal hahu entre Dili ho Baucau, internasionalmente liu Darwin, Australia. Selo domestico folin 10¢ i selos internasinal folin 50¢ (centavo = osan Americano).
30 Abril Iha estadium municipal Dili, emar barak besik 70 ataca espetadores jogo futebol,
Maio nia klaran Udan boot. Iha Timor Loro Monu, povoasaun Betun besik fronteira, emar 5,000 liu afectuado tamba inundasaun. Refugiados Timor Loro Sa’e mate 100 liu. Iha Timor Loro Sa’e, Suai, Viqueque ho Baucau sofre tanba udan boot.
8 Junho Governador NTT (Nusa Tenggara Timur) Piet Tallo visita Timor Loro Sa’e atu koalia kona ba problema fronteira e problema refugiados nia.
20 Junho Iha fronteira Loro Monu, oficio Australia husi PKF hetan atake husi grupo milicia. Emar ida la hetan kanek.
24 Julho Soldado PKF husi Zelandia Foun, tinan 24, mate iha funu laran ho milicias iha Nana, kilometro ida husi fronteira, Suai Loro Monu. Ne’e caso ba dala uluk nebe PKF iha Timor Loro Sa’e mate iha funu laran.
25~26 Julho Iha reuniao ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) nebe Xanana i Ramos Horta husi CNRT i Sergio Vieira de Melo husi UNTAET halo parte hanesan convidado, ASEAN iha vontade atu suporta reconciliasaun i reconstrusaun Timor Loro Sa’e.
20 Agosto FALINTIL celebra 25 aniversario iha Aileu, nebe comunidade internacional halo presensa iha cerimonia ne’e.
21~30 Agosto Congresso Nasional CNRT atu halo reorganizasaun i redefinisaun.
30 Agosto Hahu aniversario ba dala uluk referendo iha Timor Loro Sa’e.
4 Setembro Aniversario ba dala uluk anunciamento resultado referendo, nebe comemora hanesan loron vitoria ba independencia Timor Loro Sa’e.
6 Setembro Emar besik 5000 husi grupo milicia oho staf internacional nain tolu husi UNHCR iha Atambua, liu tia emar besik 400 serviso ba ajuda humanitaria ba refugiados sira sai husi Timor Loro Monu.
19 Outubro José Ramos Horta sai hanesan membro gabinete i responsabiliza ba Ministeiro Negocios Estrangeiros.
12 Novembro Comemorasaun aniversario “Massacre Santa Cruz” i delegasaun Conselho Segransa Nasoens Unidas to’o iha Dili halao visita loron hat iha Timor Loro Sa’e i Loro Monu.
21~23 Novembro Reuniaun nasoens doadores ba Timor Loro Sa’e iha Dili atu koalia kona ba Forsas Defesa Nacional.

2001- Guverno Provisório. Iha 5 Janeiro Amu Bispo nain rua mai husi Kupang ho’o Atambua mai hasoru amu Bispo Timor nian nain rua iha Dare Timor Loro Sa’e, atu koalia kona ba problema refugiado nian.
16 ~19 Janeiro Ministro Negocios Estrangerios Portugal nian, Jaime da Gama mai visita Timor Loro Sa’e. Ba visita Oe-Cusse, Aileu ho’o fatin seluk tan.
18 Janeiro Hosi 250 refugiados mai hare’e Timor Loro Sa’e nain 170 fila hikas ba Loro Monu. No’o mos hela deit nain 80 hela iha sira nian rain Timor Loro Sa’e.
22 Janeiro Presidente Brasil nian, Fernand Henrique Cardoso, visita Timor Loro Sa’e. Loron ida depois nia ba visita Jakarta atu hasoru ho’o Presidente Wahid ho’o vice-presidente Megawati atu koalia kona ba suporta Timor Loro Sa’e.
22 ~ 23 Janeiro Ramos Horta ho’o Mari Alkatiri ba visita Jakarta primeiro vez nudar sai hanesan membro gabinete transicional.
24 ~ 25 Janeiro Militar PKF Zelandia Foun kaer militia mane nain haat iha besik fronteira/balisa tamba prekupasaun kona ba problema iha Setembro 1999.
25 Janeiro Militia mane ida pro-Indonesia tinan 22, haruka tama tiha kadea to’o tinan 12 iha Tribunal Distrito Dili, tamba oho activista pro-Independencia iha Maliana, iha loron 8 Setembro 1999. Ema ne’e hatete katak Militar Indonesia fo’o “katana” ba nia atu oho ema ne’e be suporta independencia/ pro-independencia. Nune’e mos ida ne’e maka kaso primeiro kona ba militia nian.
1 Fevereiro FALINTIL tama ba forsa defesa nasional ho’o naran “Forças de Defesa de Timor-Leste” (FDTL). Taur Matan Ruak maka sai nudar brigadeiro general ba FDTL. Iha momento ne’e militar hamutuk 650. Ho’o maisomenus 750 ex-FALINTIL, membro ne’e be ke maka la tama ba FDTL kumesa fila fali ba sira nia uma.
5 Fevereiro Sasaun Televizaun Timor Loro Sa’e nian bolu/fo’o naran “Televizaun Timor Loro Sa’e”, kumesa halo ona programa, inclui mos ho’o programa BBC, Portugues, no’o mos programa notisias iha Tetun.
5~9 Fevereiro Ramos Horta foin maka primeira vez ba visita Alemanha. Guverno Alemanha promete atu fo’o suporta ba Timor Loro Sa’e.
22 Fevereiro Conselho Nasional dehan katak eleisaun ba Assembleia Constituinte tuir lo’os atu hahu iha loron 30 Agosto ho’o mos constituisaun ne’e hahu iha loron 15 Dezembro. Ro’o funu naran “Kristy Wilsbar” esquadra dahitu (yang ketujuh) nian sai tiha ona husi U.S.A. no’o mos to’o iha ponte kais Dili. Tuir hatete sai katak ro’o funu ne’e se hela iha ne’e loron tolu nia laran atu fo’o suporta ba humanitario.
24 Fevereiro Conflito ida naruk akontese iha Uai-tolari ho’o Viqueque tamba rai, kumesa iha ona prosseso resolve tuir regulamento ho’o planumento mediatasaun. Conflito hanesan ida ne’e atu hanesan fila fali problema originais nian hanesan tempu uluk iha 1940 henesan ne’e.
7 Marso Iha conferencia iha Dili, labarik Timor oan nain tolu atu tenta estraga Xanana kaer tiha ona. Iha Baucau, ema ataka kareta ida ne’e be lori governo transicional rejiaun Baucau, no’o mos sunu mesjid.
12 Marso Iha Viqueque, ema barak (grupo) sunu uma hamutuk sanulu, ema nain rua maka mate no’o mos ema nain 600 sai refugiados.
16 Marso Ema sira ne’e be iha direito atu ba vota kumesa registo ona iha Assembleia Constituinte iha loron 30 Agosto.
28 Marso Xanana nudar chefe Conselho Nasional resigna tiha ona. Conselho Nasional sai confusaun.
2 Abril Iha vila ida besik fronteira, talvez- militia sira maka tiru ema sira iha vila. Feto ida kanek liu tiha loron haat ema ne’e mate.
8 Abril Brigadeiro General Taur Matan Ruak ba visita Korea do Sul semana ida nia laran ho’o mos observa linha fornteira.
9 Abril Manuel Carrascalão maka sae chefe/lider foun iha Conselho Nasional.
30 Abril Iha Jakarta Utara tribunal distrik Indonesia hatama Eurico Guterres iha kadea ba fulan 6 nia laran.
7 Maio Comisaun Eleitiral Independente kumesa ona registu partido politico.
9 Maio Col. Andrew Pranket nudar membru ida husi departamento intelizen militar Australiana nian ne’e be mak serviso iha Timor Loro Sa’e, hatete sai ba compania publicasaun jornal ho’o estasaun Televizaun Australia nian, dehan katak Governo Australia la halo boat ida atu hapara masacre iha Maliana nebe akontece depois de referendum maiske Governo Australia hetan informasaun klaro kona ba atu sei iha akontese masacre iha neba. Ministro Negocios Estrangeiros Australia nian Alexander Downer nega kona ba buat hirak ne’e.
16 Maio Xanana ho’o Ramos Horta ba visita America loron 5 nia laran. Iha Washington D.C. sira hasoru malu ho’o Secretaria Estados Unidos da America nian Colin Powel. Governo Americano promete atu ajuda/suporta rai Timor Loro Sa’e. Iha Nova Yorke sira ba visita Nasoes Unidas. Ho’o mos iha loron 18 sira hasoru malu ho’o Henry Kissinger, ho’o mos secretariado estado, iha ne’e be maka fo’o “ahi oan verde” ba Indonesia atu ukun rai Timor Loro Sa’e iha tinan 1975.
29 Maio Iha fronteira Timor Loro Monu, granada rebenta. Ho resultado ema nain haat mate ho nain haat nulu maka kanek.
6 ~ 7 Junho Conferensia extraordinaria ba haketak an husi CNRT/CN. CNRT/CN ofisialmente hakotu ona.
9 Junho Ceremonia haketak an husi CNRT/CN.
21 Junho Ceremonia kona ba primeiro graduasaun ema ne’ebe maka simu treinu ba FDTL iha Aileu. Husi soldado hamutuk nain 650 ema nain 250 deit maka hetan posto.
23 Junho Registasaun kona ba ema ne’ebe ke bele vota atu remata iha loron 30 Agosto.
5 Julho Suat akordo kona ba desenvolvimento hamutuk mina ho gas nian iha area ida naran “Zone of Cooperation” (ZOC) Tasi Timor nian asina tiha ona entre Timor Loro Sa’e ho Australia. Timor Loro Sa’e sei simu 90% ho Australia simu 10% husi rikusia gas ho mina. Perguntas ida bo’ot tebe-tebes, tamba sa maka lideransa Timor sira nian simu area ZOC ne’e, tamba ZOC nian ne’e ilegal husi kontrato “Timor Gap Treaty” entre Indonesia ho Australia iha tempo ukupasaun Indonesia. Naran area nian deit troka husi ZOC ba “Joint Petroleum Development Area”(JPDA). Pergunta basico nian tamba Timor Loro Sa’e ho Australia nunka koalia kona ba fronteira tasi nian. Ida ne’e maka kontra Lei Internacional Tasi nian.
5~6 Julho Soldado FDTL sira lao to’o ba centro treino foun iha Matinaro.
8 Julho Ceremonia asina “Pacto de Unidade Nacional.” Partido politico hamutuk nain 14 husi 16. Sira halo juramento malu atu labele usa violencia ba campanha eleisaun. “Pacto de Unidade Nacional” condisaun ida ne’e atu haketak an husi CNRT/CN.
15 Julho ~ 28 Agosto Campanha ba eleisaun Assembleia Constituinte nian.
20 Agosto FALINTIL celebra 26 aniversario iha Dili. Soldado FDTL sira lao to’o ba Santa Cruz hosi Catedral.
30 Agosto Loron eleisaun atu hili membro Assembleia Constituinte. Ida ne’e mak primeiro eleisaun demokrasia iha Timor Loro Sa’e. Emar halo parte to’o 91.3%.
6 Setembro Hatete sae resultado kona ba eleisaun. FRETILIN menan 55 kadeira (64%) hosi 88.
FRETILIN (Frente Revolucionária de Timor-Leste Independente)―55,
PD (Partido Democrático)―7,
ASDT ( Associação Social-Democrata Timorense) ― 6,
PSD (Partido Social Democrata) ―6,
PPT (Partido do Povo de Timorense) ―2,
PDC (Partido Democrata Cristão) ―2,
UDT (União Democrática Timorense) ― 2,
KOTA (Klibur Oan Timor Aswa’in)―2,
PNT (Partido Nacionalista Timorense) ― 2,
UDC/PDC (União Democrática Cristã/Partido Democrata- Cristão de Timor) ―1,
PST (Partido Socialista de Timor) ―1,
PL (Partai Liberal) ―1, Independente―1.
15 Setembro Assembleia Constituinte kumesa ona halo constituisaun foun.
20 Setembro Sergio Vieira de Mello anuncia membro Gabinete transisaun segundo. Membro sira ne’e mak ema Timor.
11 Dezembro Assembleia Constituinte decide simu lian Portugues ho lian Tetun ba lian ofisial iha nasaun Timor Loro Sa’e.

2002- Independência definitiva, iha 28 Janeiro Xanana Gusmão visita Tokyo ho Okinawa iha Japaun loron lima nia laran.
4 Marso Militar Japones to’o iha Dili. Iha protesto contra militar Japones ida ne’e kona ba ocupasaun militar durante “Funu Segundo iha Mundo tomak.”
7 Marso Militia mane ida haruka tama tiha kadea to’o tinan 6 iha Tribunal Jakarta, tamba oho soldado PKF husi Zelandia Foun iha loron 24 Julho 2000.
15 Marso ~ 12 Abril Campanha ba eleisaun presidensial. Canditato Xanana Gusmão ho Francisco Xavier do Amaral.
19 Marso Caso kona ba masacre iha Suai, maka akontese iha loron 9 Setembro 1999, tama tiha ona ba Ad-hoc Tribunal Direitos Humanos nian iha Jakarta. Militar nain 5 ho Polisia, inclui mos Colonel Herman Sedyono. Iha tempo ne’e mak nudar hanesan administrador sub-distrito Covalima nian, maka akusado. Chefe ida husi TNI, Admiral Widodo Adisucipto ho General Endriartono Sutarto, mai iha tribunal nia laran, sira dehan sira mai atu hatudu sira nia “suporta moral” ba ema sira ne’e be akusa.
22 Marso Assembleia Constituinte halo resolusaun ba rascunho constituisaun foun. Vota ba “simu”―72, vota ba “la’e” ―14, ausente―2.
14 Abril Loron eleisaun presidential. Emar halo parte to’o 86.3%.
17 Abril Hatete sae resultado kona ba eleisaun prsidential. Votos hira Xanana nian 301,634 mak 82.69%, numero votos nian nudar % (porcentagem) votos total nian. Votos hira Xavier do Amaral nian 63,146 mak 17.31%.
17 Maio Conselho Seguransa Nasoens Unidas halo resolusaun ba organizasaun foun UNMISET (United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor = Nasoens Unidas Misaun ba Suporta Timor Loro Sa’e) mak UNTAET nia substituto.
20 Maio Loron ukun rasik an ba Timor Loro Sa’e. Juramento ba Presidente uluk Xanana i Primeiro Ministro uluk Mari Alkatiri. Assembleia Constituinte sai Parlamento Nasional no’o mos membro sira Assembleia Constituinte maka sai membro sira Parlamento Nasional. Presidente uluk Parlamento Nasional nian Francisco Guterres “Lú-Olo”. UNTAET ofisialmente hakotu ona. FDTL agora naran FALINTIL/FDTL.
17 Junho Presidente Xanana ho Ministro Negocios Estrangeiros José Ramos Horta visita Australia.
2 Julho Presidente Xanana visita Jakarta.
20 Agosto FALINTIL/FDTL celebra comemorasaun 27 aniversario FALINTIL nian iha plasa Palacio Governo, Dili.
27 Setembro Assembleia Geral Nasoens Unidas halo resolusaun ba Timor Loro Sa’e nia membro. Iha momento ne’e numero membro hamutuk Nasoens Unidas 191.
3 Dezembro Polisi kaer estudante iha escola, Dili. Estudante sira protest contra polisi ida ne’e. Polisi usa gas (lacrimogêneo) contra demonstrasi.
4 Dezembro Demonstrasi sai boot. Polisi tiru ba ema sira iha demonstrasi. Ema nain rua maka mate. Ema barak (grupo) iha demonstrasi ne’e usa violensia ba cidade. Grupo ne’e ataka edificio sira, inclui mos ho’o supermarcado “Hello Mister”, hotel “Loro Sa’e Dili Hotel” no’o mos uma nain rua familia Primeiro Ministro Mari Alkatiri nian.
14 Dezembro FALINTIL/FDTL foun 260 (feto 27) fo graduasaun ba“terseiru grupo”rekruta F/FDTL iha Metinaro. Ho nune’e agora Timor Loro Sa’e iha forsa besik 1,500 soldados.

2003- iha 4 ~ 5 Janeiro Grupo militia ataka populasaun iha Atsabe, ema nain tolu (haat) maka mate iha violencia ida. FALINTIL/FDTL ho PKF hahu operasaun iha Atsabe. F/FDTL kaer membro sira “Kolimau 2000.” Maibe comissario polisi Nasoens Unidas nian ho grupo NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) “Judicial System Monitoring Programme” critica ba F/FDTL nia operasaun, hatete katak iha possibilidade ba violensia contra humano direito. Brigadeiro General Taur Matan Ruak ho opiniaun publica acusa barak ba critica ida ne’e.
23 Janeiro Um padre timorense declarou um tribunal de Jacarta que slodados e polícias indonésios faziam parte do grupo que em Abril de 1999 atacou a igreja de Lquiçá, causando pelo menos 18 mortos. O depoimento foi feito por videconferência, a partir de Díli, para o tribunal especial de dereitos humanos de Jacarta.
25 Janeiro “Primeiro Diálogo Nacional 2003”. Debate entre FRETILIN ho CPD-RDTL.
24 Fevereiro Grupo militia ataka camiaun ho mini-bus iha Atabae, ema nain rua maka mate. Besik 300 soldados PKF nian hahu operasaun militar.
28 Fevereiro Telstra (companhia telefone hosi Australia) hakotu serviso ba emar Timor.
1 Marso Timor Telecom (companhia telefone foun Timor nian) hahu serviso iha rai Timor Loro Sa’e.
28 ~ 29 Abril CAVR (Comissão de Acolhimento, Verdade e Reconciliação de Timor Leste) loke Audiensia Publika Nacional “Feto Timor Leste Iha Konflito” iha Balide, Dili.
20 Maio Timor Loro Sa’e celebra primeiro aniversario ba loron ukun rasik an.
24 Maio “Segundo Diálogo Nacional 2003”. Debate kona ba “poders locais.
”28~29 Julho 2003 CAVR loke Audiensia Publika Nacional kona ba “MUDA OBRIGATORIO NO HAMLAHA” iha excritorio nasional CAVR.
20 Agosto FALINTIL/FDTL celebra comemorasaun 28 aniversario FALINTIL nian iha Waimori (ex-acantonamento FALINTIL nian).
19~21 Novembro 2003 CAVR loke Audiensia Publika Nacional kona ba “MASAKRE” iha Balide, Dili.
15~18 Dezembro 2003 CAVR loke Audiensia Publika Nacional kona ba “Konflitu Politik” 1974~1976” iha Balide, Dili.

2004- iha 23 ~ 26 Fevereiro 2004 Presidente Xanana visita ba Japaun ofisialmente.
2 Marso 2004 Kompanhia “Oceanic Exploration” tau kazu direitu explorasaun iha Tasi Timor ba tribunal Washinton D.C. iha U. S. A. “Oceanic Exploration” akuza “Conoco Phillips” (U.S. oil major), Governu Australianu, Governu Indonesia no Governu Timor Loro Sa’e tanba “Oceanic Exploration” nia kompanhia “Petro Timor” iha direitu exklusivu atu bele halo explorasaun rekeza natural iha Tasi Timor antes Indonesia tama Timor Loro Sa’e maibe agora ne’e “Petro Timor” nia direitu lakon ilegalmente. “Oceanic Exploration” reklama $30 bilioens hanesa indemnizasaun no katak Mari Alkatiri sumu ona osan $2.5 milioens husi “Conoco Phillips”. Mari Alkatiri nega.
15~17 Marso 2004 CAVR loke Audiensia Publika Nacional kona ba “Diretu Auto Determinasaun No Komunidade Internasional” iha ex-Comarca, Balide, Dili.
25 Marso 2004 Chefe Polisia China, Yang Juang, halo vizita iha Academia PNTL (Polisia Nasional Timor Leste), Comoro, atu hare derectamente kondisaun dezenvolvimentu Academia PNTL nian.
7 Abril 2004 Loron internacional ba “Refleksaun iha Genosidiu 1994”. Membros governo Timor Loro Sa’e, membros ONU no mos komunidade international hodi hanoin fali genocidio iha Rwanda, i halo um minuto de silencio. Genocidio iha Rwanda hahu iha 7 fulan Abril 1994, tinan sanulu liu ba, nebe halo ema Rwanda/Afrika nain 800,000 mate.
8 Maio 2004 A festa dos antigos combatantes e veteranos das FALINTIL iha eis Merkado Munisipil Dili. UDT serimonia aniversario ba hodi komemora loron fundasaun partidu ne’e iha dia 11 de Maio 1974.
14 Maio 2004 Conselho Seguransa ONU nian halo desizaun ba UNMISET atu hatutan nia misaun iha fulan neen nia laran.
15 Maio 2004 Presidente RDTL Xanana Gusmao no Presidente RI Megawati Soekarno Putri hasoru malu iha Hotel Patra Jaya Bali. Iha hasoru malu nee koalia kona ba raiketan TL-RI entre tasi nomos rai maran no koalia mos kona ba refujiado no buat seluk tan.
19 Maio 2004 Iha Heliport Dili, Representante ONU iha Timor Loro Sa’e, Kamalesh Sharma offisicalmente entrega poder seguransa ba governo Timor Loro Sa’e.
20 Maio 2004 Loron independensia Timor Loro Sa’e nian ba dala rua. UNMISET hatutan nia misaun iha fulan neen nia laran. Depois Hasegawa Sukehiro sai repersentante foun ba UNMISET.
29 Maio 2004 Presidente Xanana hasoru ho eis-general TNI Wiranto iha Bali. Enkontro ida ne’e fo preocupasaun boot ba ema barak tanba ema hotu-hotu hakarak justisa kona ba violasaun kontra humano direito.
3 Julho 2004 Cerimonia inaugurasaun “Ro Atauro Express” halao iha Porto Dili. “Ro Atauro Express” halo operasaun transporte ba Atauro no Oecusse hosi Dili. Ro ne’e hola hosi Japaun ofisialmente.
11 Julho 2004 Sensus Nacional hahu halao.
16 Julho 2004 Eis Governador Abilio Jose Osorio Soares tama iha prisaun Cipinang iha Jakarta hanesan kastigo nebe nia heta husi tribunal Ad-Hoc Jakarta nebe fo pena tinan tolu iha prisaun tamba hahalok kontra humanidade iha tinan 1999 hotu tiha referendo iha Timor Loro Sa’e. Maibe depois de fulan tulu, Abilio Jose Osorio Soares sai livre.
19 ~ 20 Julho 2004 Eis-komandante FALINTIL Regiaun ・ Ely Foho Rai Boot (L-7) halo manifestasaun iha Palacio do Governo nia oin. Manifetante sira (kuaze 200) husu ba governu atu troka Minitru Interior Rogerio Lobato i halo remodelasaun iha institusaun polisia nian. Polisia rega gas air mata ba manifestante sira. Polisia kaer manifestante kuaze 30.
20 Agosto 2004 Aniversario FALINTIL nian ba dala ruanulu resin sia. Cerimonia “fatuk uluk” (primeira pedra) ba konstrusaun cemiterio heroi nian iha Metinaro.
21 Agosto 2004 Dialogo Nacional entre governo ho memberos veteranos funu nian.
Setembro 2004 Sensus Nacional anunsia resultadu mediu katak numeru populasaun Timor Loro Sa’e nian 925,000.
12 Novembro 2004 Rai nakadoko akontese iha Dili. Qurtal geral F-FDTL nian nakadoko. Depois (iha Dezembro), F-FDTL troka sede qurtal geral husi Caicoli ba sede Tasi Tolu nebe tropas Japaun usa.
19 Novembro 2004 Ministeriu Edukasaun、Kultura, Juventude ho Desportu Timor Loro Sa’e nian fo sai nota-memorandu ida ― “Konselho de Ministrus aprova tiha ona Planu implementasaun kurríkulo Ensinu Primaríu nian iha fulan Outubro tinan 2004, no mós programa nebé aprovadu ona sei koko iha eskola-pilotu 32 iha distritu 13 nia laran, hosi 10 ano to’o 6o ano, hahu fulan Janeiro tinan 2005” i “ Religiaun disiplina fakultativa ida.”
19 Novembro 2004 UNMISET hatutan nia misaun iha fulan neen nia laran.
26 Dezembro 2004 Rai nakadoko boot doko Ache iha Sumatra, Indonesia i rai nakadoko ne’e hakiak Tsunami boot iha Tasi India nebe ataka populasaun barak haleu Tasi India. Dezastre natural nain rua oho ema bara-barak, tatalmente kala 300,000 mate. Iha Timor Loro Sa’e, populasaun hahu tauk Tsunami.

2005- iha 2 Janeiro 2005 Paniko akontece iha cidade Dili kalan. Ema laran foer habosok ba populasaun katak “tasi sae” (ou tsunami mai) i halo ema barak husik sira nia uma. Kala meio de cidadaun iha Dili halai ba buka fatin iha foho lolon nebe haleu Dili.
9~26 Janeiro 2005 “Operasaun Domin” hahu. Operasaun ne’e actividade ba solidariedade Timor Loro Sa’e nian ho vitima sira husi rai nakadoko/tsunami iha Ache, Sumatra. I operasaun ida ne’e kobra hanesan doasaun atu ajuda vitima sira iha Ache. Governu, jornarisita, estudante, ho selku-seluk tan hanesan voluntario halo kontribusaun.
18 Janeiro 2005 Um alegado miliciano pro-indonesio foi detido terca-feira pela policia timorense na sequencia de uma troca de tiros com autoridade. O detido, de 24 anos, integrava um grupo de seis pessoas referenciado pela população da aldeia de Atudara no sub-distrito de Cailaco, como membro das antigas milícias pro-Indonesia.
20 Janeiro 2005 Primeiru Ministru Mari Alkateri hateten katak, Governu prontu atu servisu hamutuk ho companha minarai Portugal (GALP) hodi opera iha Timor Leste nee, para nasaun rua bele hare asuntu mina ba futuru.
27 Janeiro 2005 Presidente Xanana visita ba Indonesia atu entrega kontribusaun husi “Operasaun Domin” ba Indonesian presidente Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Kontribusaun nebe totalmente US$75,000.
1 Fevereiro 2005 Aniversario F-FDTL nian ba dala ha’at. Roque Rodrigues (Secretario de Estado da Defesa Timor Loro Sa’e) ho Jorge Neto (Secretario de Estado da Defesa Portugal) asina acordo kona ba cooperasaun militar foun nebee Portugal ajuda F-FDTL nafatin ho liu.
9 Fevereiro 2005 UPF (Unidade Pilicia Fronteira) kaer eis-milisia nain rua iha Distrito Maliana, sub-Distrito Balibo, suco Cowa.
17 Fevereiro 2005 Bispo nain rua, D. Alberto Ricardo da Silva (Bispo de Dili) ho D. Basilio do Nascimento (Bispo de Baucau) hasai Nota Pastoral nebe kestiona desizaun governo kona ba hanorin religiaun iha escola pubilica. Nota Pastoral dehan katak, por exzemplo, “hanorin Religiaun la bele fakulitativu deit, mai be obrigatoriu iha kurrikulu” i “Ami hakarak no hein katak Governu sei buka no hetan dalan ida nebe simu konsensu ema hotu nian molok atu la’o ba oin ho esperiensa-pilot ida ne’e.”
9 Marso 2005 Iha Jakarta, Presidente Xanana no presidente Susilo Bambang Yudoyono asina akordu kona ba kriasaun KVA (Kommisaun Verdade e Amizade) nebee sei investiga krime iha durante/depois referendo tinan 1999 iha Timor Loro Sa’e.
19 Marso 2005 Iha Atabae, juventude Katoliko husi parokia Balibo, Maliana, Bobonaro no Zumalai halo manifestasaun kontra desizaun governo nebe hasai materia religiaun hanesan facultativa husi obrigatoria iha edukasaun nasional wainhira Nunsiu Apostoliku (Nuncio Apostolico) Vaticano ba Indonesia ho Timor Loro Sa’e Arcebispo Marlcom Raamjiph ho Bispo Alberto Ricardo da Silva inaugura Igreja Atabae hanesan parokia foun. Juventude sira hakerek iha spanduk “Mate ka moris ami defende nafatin ami nia religiaun” ho seluk-seluk tan.
20 Marso 2005 Padre Domingos Soares ― nebe konhesido ho naran “Amo Maubere” ― hateten katak (ba journal “Timor Post”), maske Igreja ate agora seidauk simu resposta oficial husi governo kona ba Nota Pastoral nebe bispo nain rua fo’o ba governo. Igreja pronto atu hala’o dialgo, maibe se governo hakarak povo koalia rasik entaun bele koalia.
27 Marso 2005 Ministro Negosios Estrangeiros i Kooperasaun, Jose Ramos Horta, hato’o nia reasaun kontra Arcebispo Marcolm Raamjiph nia intervensaun relasiona ho governo nia posisaun kona ba materia religiaun iha escola publica.
29 Marso 2005 U.S. Navy Hospital Ship, Ro Marcy too tasi Dili husi operasaun humanitaria iha Ache, Sumatra. Spesialista medica Ro Marcy nian sei fo asistensia medika ba pasiente iha hospital nasional ho seluk tan durante loron haat.
31 Marso 2005 Ro Marcy fali hikasu urjenti ba Sumatra hodi ajuda vitima iha Nias tanba rai nakadoko akontece iha 28 Marso.
2 Abril 2005 (3 Abril iha oras Timor Loro Sa’e) Amo Papa João Paulo ・ mate.
5 Abril 2005 Wainhira membero nian tolu ONU komisaun especialista to’o aeroporto Comoro hodi investiga liu acusasaun krime kontra direito humano iha 1999, ema nain 100 halo manifestasaun i manifestante sira taka sira nia ibun ho hena metan nebe dehan katak “WE NEED JUSTICE”.Hesegawa Sukehiro, Reprezentante Especial ba Secretario Geral ONU nian dehan katak ONU sei hari’i nia misaun foun hodi fo’o asistensia ba governo Timor Loro Sa’e depois de 20 Maio 2005.
8 ~ 9 Abril 2005 Presidente Republik Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono visita Timor Loro Sa’e. Governo Timor Loro Sa’e ho Indonesia halao asinatura ba acordo kona ba provisorio fronteira. Acordo ida ne’e hatan 96% determinasaun rai nia fronteira entre nasaun rua.
13 Abril 2005 Embaxador Kuwait iha Indonesia Mohammad Fadel Khalaf hasoru ho Presidenti Xanana Gusmao iha Palacio das Cinzas entrega karta kredensial ba Xanana no sai nudar Embaxador Kuwait iha Timor Loro Sa’e. Embaxador Kuwait ne’e foo hatene ba Xanana kona ba cooperasaun iha explorasaun mina rai.
18 Abril 2005 Membrus F-FDTL 150 resin arabka ba Iha Atauro hodi tuir treinamentu (durante loron 5) kona ba dezastre naurais hahesan rai nakdoko, tsunami no anin/udan bo’ot.
19 Abril 2005 Madre, padre, sarani ho juventude husi parokia Bobonaro, Suai, Liquiça no Atabae halo manifestaun pasifiku iha Palacio do Governo nia oin. Policia hasai manifestador sira (kala 2000) iha sorin. Coordenador manifestante Padre Domingos Soares (Amo Maubere) husu governo dialogo kona ba hanorin religiaun iha escola publica. Manifetante hakerek iha spanduk “POVU LA SIMU DITADOR ALKATIRI” i Igreja reklama resignasaun Primeiro Ministro Mari Alkatiri nian. Manifeatante ida ne’e sai continua tempo naruk. Manifestador mai husi district oi-oin no ninian numero sai boot. Polisia taka dalan ba manifestasaun iha Uma Fukun nia oin, Lecidere i manifestante sira organiza seguransa an hodi manten manifestasaun pasifiku.
22 Abril 2005 Presidente Xanana partisipa iha Konferensia Asia-Africa iha Jakarta.
30 Abril 2005 Comite Central FRETILN halao reuniaun i reconhece Mari Alkatiri nia posisaun.
28 Abril 2005 Konselho Seguransa Nasoens Unidos harii misaun foun iha Timor Loro Sa’e, naran UNOTIL (United Nations Office in Timor Leste), nebe serviso durante tinan ida.
3 Maio 2005 Policia fo ultimato ba manifestante Igreja nian atu sai husi fatin manifestasaun nia ne’e. Maibe policia hanaruk ultimato.
7 Maio 2005 Iha Palacio das Cinzas, representante Igreja Katplika D. Alberto Ricardo da Silva ho D. Basilio do Nascimento, representante Governo Primeiro Ministro Mari Alkatiri ho Presidente Xanana Gusmao nudar testemunha ida, asina Dekalarasaun Konjunta. Parte rua ― Igreja Katolika ho Governo ― konkorda hamutuk. Dekalarasaun Konjunta ida ne’e temi katak materira religiaun tenki tama iha kurikulo, kona ba frekuensia, sei deside iha oras materikula, tuir inan-aman nia opusaun livre. Manifestasaun boot teb-tebs remata.
8 Maio 2005 Manifestante sira ida-idak fila ba sira nia fatin.
11 Maio 2005 Governu Australia hasai avizo kona ba posibilidade ataka ka bomba terorista nian iha Dili. Por outra lado, policia kaer ema nain tolu ― eis-membro FALINTIL regiaun ・ nebe lori pistola ho ninian kolega nain rua ― besik Palacio do Governo.
12 Maio 2005 Konselho Superior Defesa ho Segransa hahu funsiona nudar Prezidenti Rebulika kona ba asuntus Defesa ho Soberania previstu iha konstituisaun ho sai nudar orgaun, tuir lei nebe Parlamentu Nasional aprova. Kompozisaun membrus Konselho Superior Defesa ho Segransa hamutuk nain 9 mak, Primeiru Ministru Dr. Mari Alkatiri, Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru no Koperasaun Dr. Ramost Horta, Ministru Justisa Dr. Domingos Maria Sarmento. Ministru Interior Rogerio Lobato, Sekretariu Estadu Defeza Dr. Roque Rodrigues, Kimandante F-FDTL Brigadeiru General Taur Matan Ruak, Komandante PNTL Superintendente Paulo da Fatima Martins, Chefi Nasional Seguransa Estadu Ir. Ricardo Ribeiro.
18 Maio 2005 Governu Timor Loro Sa’e no Representante Especial ba Secretario Geral Nasoens Unidos nian iha Timor Loro Sa’e Hasegawa Sukehiro asina akordu kona ba pisisaun UNOTIL nian.
20 Maio 2005 Loron independensia Timor Loro Sa’e nian ba dala tolu. Militantes ho simpatisantes FRETILIN kuaze 7000 nebe mai husi distritu oin-oin marsa iha Dili.
3 Junho 2005 Hasegawa Sukehiro nebe nafatin Representante Espesial Sekretariu Genral ONU nian no mos sai representante.
21 Junho 2005 Pierre-Richard Prosper, Estadus Unidus da Amerika Ambassador-at-Large kona ba Kazu Funu Crimes halo visita mai Timor Loro Sa’e atu rona opiniaun kona ba justisa husi Timorenses representante oin-oin. Amerika hatudu nia posisaun positivo kona ba Internasional Tribunal.
27 Julho 2005 Primeiru Ministru Mari Alkateri ofisialmente anunsia estrutura foun governu nian, aumenta ministeiru foun lima. Gabinet foun nia pozisaun 41.
1 Agosto 2005 Anunsia naran memberus KVA (Kommisaun Verdade e Amizade) - nain lima husi Timor Loro Sa’e ho nain lima seluk husi Indonesia.
11 Agosto 2005 Iha Bali-Denpasar, Presidente Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono no Presidente Timor Loro Sa’e Xanana Gusmao hahu KVR ofisialmente.
20 Agosto 2005 F-FDTL hala’o seremonia ba aniversario FALINTIL nian ba dala 30 iha Oe-Cusse.

Fontes dadus hirak nee foti husi sitiu : Timor Leste (Memoria ) nomos sitiu seluk nebe relevante ho Istoria Timor Leste ninian.


Beredam Air hangat tak baik untuk Kesuburan para Pria

Riset terbaru menyarankan bahwa sebaiknya kaum pria mengurangi frekuensi berendam di air hangat jika ingin meningkatkan kesuburan. Hal ini disebabkan karena menurut para ahli dari AS, berendam air hangat bisa mengurangi produksi sperma........Seperti yang ditulis pada Journal of the Brazilian Society of Urology, bahwa telah dilakukan penelitian selama tiga tahun terhadap 11 pria yang memiliki masalah kesuburan. Setelah mereka menghentikan kebiasaan berendam di air hangat selama beberapa bulan, jumlah sperma mereka meningkat lebih dari 400 persen.Penelitian ini sekaligus membenarkan adanya mitos lama yang mengatakan bahwa air panas mengurangi kesuburan. Adapun pria yang menjadi responden penelitian ini adalah mereka yang berobat ke klinik kesuburan serta memiliki kebiasaan berendam air hangat di hot tubs atau jacuzzis selama 30 menit setiap minggunya.Setelah tiga bulan berhenti dari kebiasaan tersebut, kurang dari setengah responden menunjukkan peningkatan jumlah sperma sebanyak lima kali lipat. Sedangkan mereka yang mengurangi frekuensi berendam kemampuan berenang spermanya meningkat 12-34 persen. Sementara itu 5 dari 6 responden yang tidak menunjukkan perubahan apapun ternyata adalah perokok berat.Sementara itu, penelitian lain juga menunjukkan penyebab berkurangnya kesuburan pria, antara lain panas yang dihasilkan oleh laptop, serta terlalu sering mengenakan pakaian dalam ketat. Seperti diketahui, sperma membutuhkan lingkungan yang sejuk, itu sebabnya testikel berada di luar tubuh pria yakni di dalam scrotum (buah zakar).
Sumber: CBN


Women Often Revert To"Bad' Behavior After Chilbirth

A new study by the National Survey of Drug Use and Health states that women who abuse substances prior to childbirth and pregnancy, even if they avoid it at all costs during pregnancy, often fall back into their old ways after the birth of their child. Within three months.
The same study shows that one in eight women still consume alcohol while pregnant.
The new information relates that thirty-one percent of women surveyed resumed their practices of drinking, smoking or drug use after pregnancy. According to Peter Delany, head of Applied Sciences in the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration who conducted the study, states that the issue:
“is that having children creates a protective factor so that women may not be going back to drug use.”
Yet, thirty-one percent of women surveyed did, in fact, go back to their sometimes-detrimental pre-childbirth behavior.
The study itself could be a double-edged sword. It’s one thing if a woman who was a meth head or a coke head prior to pregnancy and resumed after giving birth to her child; it’s an entirely different hue of horse if the woman goes back to smoking cigarettes or having the occasional glass of wine, or even a raucous night out on the town every once in a great while. I found out I was pregnant at age twenty-three. I was living with my fiance, and at the time, we had the date set for our wedding and all of the plans were in motion for the following fall. However, my daughter, who impetuously from conception insisted that it was going to be her way or the highway, came into the picture a few years ahead of schedule. That is neither here nor there; she is a blessing and whether she came when she did or five years from now would make no difference. My husband and I were ready for her from the get-go and prepared in every way that we knew best.
I used to be a lead singer of a local cover band and traveled the Tri-State (Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey) area for over three years playing gigs and partying on a nightly basis. Even after I met my husband-to-be, I continued my journey with the band, despite his worry. Up until the winter preceding the conception bombshell, my band days continued. Christmas of that particular year arrived and I decided to do a little soul-searching. I decided to leave the band, after almost four years of good times and concentrate more on my life ahead with my then-fiance. Almost like clockwork, I became pregnant, even while on The Pill. Like I said, this little girl was having her way one way or another. Nothing could stop her then and sure as shit, nothing can stop her now. I found out I was pregnant in March of 2007 and gave birth to a lovely little lady that following November.
Despite my hard-partying ways prior to settling down, I really never had the urge to return to those ways, even for a brief visit. Don’t get me wrong — I don’t think there’s anything wrong whatsoever with the mom or couple who gets a responsible babysitter and decides to go tie one on every now and again. I don’t think anything wrong of the mother who struggled with quitting smoking during their pregnancy, to accomplish it, but to go back to smoking cigarettes shortly after birth. It’s unfortunate, but hey — it happens. Including from my own, personal experience.
However, what does perturb me is the woman who, despite giving birth — one of life’s supposedly magical, life-changing experiences — continues her life as if she doesn’t have a new, living, breathing being to care for day in and day out. You all know “that girl.” The one who dumps her kids off on the first willing sitter, even if they’re half-senile ninety year old women or ten year old girls who haven’t a speck of experience in newborn care. These are the same girls who decide to conveniently not come home at night, whether it’s to their husbands or to another family member because they drunkenly decide that whomever they felt was worthy enough to watch the child for a few hours could surely, unnannounced-ly, keep the child overnight. You know, without the overnight bag of diapers, or bottles or anything else that may be necessary to care for a young child during the evening and early morning hours.
These are the same women who often neglect their children’s most basic needs, such as a fresh diaper every once in awhile or buying baby cereal because their drug or drink habit is more important. These are the women who rely on the system to fund their habits and perpetuate the neglect of their offspring. It happens. I’ve seen it. I’ve known people like that. Instead of giving these people welfare money to blow on makeup and beer and pot, regulate it a little more so that it’s specifically tailored for the children to benefit the most, as the welfare program was originally intended to. I’m getting a little off-topic and that’s another story for another day, but I think you’ve all seen a woman (or even man) like this.
Bottom line: I don’t have a problem with women who responsibly continue not-so-awful pre-pregnancy behavior, but I do have a problem with the ones who continue life-debilitating habits such as meth, coke or heroin. Bottom line? You just don’t do that kind of crap if you’re a mother to a new child. Or a child, period.
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10 Menit Membuat para Wanita Terbang ke Langit Ketujuh tanpa ML

10 Menit Membuat para Wanita Terbang ke Langit Ketujuh tanpa ML

Wanita selalu beusaha keras untuk memuaskan hasrat para pria. tapi apakah para pria akan melakukan suatu hal untuk dapat memuaskan sang wanita saat melakukan ML? itu akan menjadi selalu pertanyaan bagi kita semua.

mungkin sudah pada tahu bahwa pria yang dapat memuaskan wanita akan menjadi pria idamannya dan akan selalu mengatakan iya saat anda mengajak sang kekasih untuk melakukan urusan biologis.
anda harus tahu langkah-langkah yang dibutuhkan wanita untuk sampai ke langit ketujuh tidak hanya dengan merangsang G Spot doank n anda tidak perlu melakukannya selama 3 jam, cukup 10 menit yg diperlukan untuk membuat wanita serasa melayang ke langit ke tujuh
salah satu pakar seks luar negeri menyimpulkan langkah-langkah yang dibutuhkan wanita untuk dapat terbang kelangit ketujuh dalam 10 menit.
Menit Pertama :belai kepalanya dengan kedua tangan anda dan arahkan belaian dari kening menuju leher dan usahakan jari telunjuk anda menyentuh belakang bagian telinga cewek karena belakang telinga cewek merupakan salah satu bagian sensitif wanita.
Menit Kedua : cium wajahnya dengan memulai dari kening dan susuri perlahan kearah mata dan menuju hidung dan jangan langsung mencium bibirnya cobalah dengan mencium sudut bibirnya terlebih dahulu sehingga sang bibir wanita akan merasakan penasaran untuk langsung dicium dan ini membuat jantung siwanita mulai berdegup agak kencang.
Menit Ketiga: gunakan lidah anda untuk melakukan rangsangan di bagian belakang telinga pasangan anda dan hembuskan nafas ringan anda sesekali kedalam liang telingannya dan bisikkan bahwa anda mencintainya.
Menit Keempat : alihkan ciuman anda ke lehernya dan gunakan sedikit kecupan dan kalo dia meminta untuk membuat cupang lakukan dengan lembut. namun lakukan jilatan mesra dengan lembut lebih banyak.
Menit Kelima : turunkan ciuman anda ke arah dadanya dan ekslorasi bagian dada hingga bagian samping payudara dan jangan dulu menyetuh bagian payudaranya karena bagian samping payudara juga merupakan bagian sensitif wanita.
Menit Keenam : mulai arahkan ciuman anda ke bagian payudaranya namun jangan langsung ke puting nya lakukan putaran dari bagian terluar payudara menuju keputingnya dan lakukan bergantian dan ini akan membuatnya menjadi penasaran dan meningkatkan detak jantungnya.
Menit Ketujuh : mulai turrunkan lidah anda menuju bagian perutnya dan jilat perlahan lubang pusarnya dan pasangan anda akan mendapat ransangan yang luar biasa.
Menit Kedelapan: sekarang gunakan lidah anda untuk mulai menyerang bagian pahanya dan tangan anda dapat memainkan bulu yang berada di bagian vaginanya hal ini untuk dapat lebih merangsang sang wanita.
Menit Kesembilan : lakukan rangsangan ke bagian luar vagina dengan cara menjilat bibir vagina dan tonjolan kecil yang berada dibagian bawah yang akan membuat sang wanita bahagia dan mendapat ransangan tingkat tinggi.
Menit Kesepuluh : dan yang terakhir masukkan lidah anda ke dalam lubang vagina wanita dan jilatlah perlahan dan selingi dengan isapan keluar dengan bibir anda dan jilat bagian atas dalam vaginanya dan akhirnya si wanita akan menuju ke langit ketujuh tanpa anda melakukan ML.

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